Chapter Four: the Dress

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I went inside and closed the door.

The light was a bit damp, but the dress sparkled as if it was a pearl under the black sea, shinning bright, catching everyone's attention.

I can't help but stare.

Although it's not quite my style, it is quite my color. It looks abit flashy, but not that tacky.

It shows too much skin, sleeveless, and again, abit much for dinner. This dress should be worn by a princess or in a very important occasion.

Suddenly, anxiety striked me.

As a kid, i never get to experience being......


I was taken by the Galrans at a very young age, as a "token of graditude" by my people.

By "token of graditude" they meant offering their children to pay their debt.

My parents were never the best, they treated me like a pet, and never bought me anything....special.

Not that i want or expected any.

Well, there is one item that they gave me.

It was a blue necklace that glows in the dark when you hold it close to your chest.

It's been passed down for generations in my family. You see, it's my planets tradition.

The necklace has a phrase, a phrase that i remembered for more 20 years.

"Nothing Can Dim The Light That Shines From Within."

Or in Reiphod, we say;

"Nihil minus apparet de lumine, ut ab intus lucet."

Still, that phrase never really grew on me.

Reiphod was peaceful planet filled with Peaceful people. Yet, im the opposite of that.

Heck, my family was never peaceful to me anyways.

What was their names again? Oh yeah, i can't even remember my birth name.

I sighed as i shook the thought off my head.

The past is the past, it's better to forget about it, and move on.

I took of my clothes. It feels like iv'e been wearing it for only a few hours, how is it night-time already?

Heck, the last time i remembered changing into multiple clothes in a day is when were going undercover. When it's not, ill wear the same uniform for ever unless it's sparring time.

I wore the dress, it's a perfect fit! It even matched my body shape, how rare.

I looked in the mirror and i can't help but stare-

I looked in the mirror and i can't help but stare-

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