Shorts 1#

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This is like futures elves doing some random things with your future friends and your girlfriend Laura Kinney aka X-23.

SHUT THE FUCK UP BOBBY. X-23 said, or what? Bobby said, so how mad is Laura? Kitty asked, I would say imma make you a cripple and make it painful. (Y/N) said, there fighting over a game of Uno just why. Kitty said, 

Ends with chubi Laura and Bobby fighting while kitty leaves and (Y/N) watches cheering for Laura.

while playing COD Cyclops came to (Y/N) and made a bet to make 10 trickshots with a kill in a row. this will be easy 20 bucks. (Y/N) said, as he does it easily.

ends with chubi (Y/N) getting 20 bucks from cyclops and doing the L dance.

while watching TV on the couch Laura comes and lays down on (Y/N) and cuddles with (Y/N). Long day? you asked, Laura cuddles a bit more.

Ends with chubi (Y/N) and Laura cuddling on the couch while (Y/N) gives a death glare at anyone that reaches at least 25 feet near her.

jay and Logan were talking while bobby was running from cyclops. I'M SORRY!!! bobby screamed, 

Ends with chubi bobby getting beaten by cyclops and Logan laughing while jay has a blank expression.

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