9x4 - The Sense in the Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

*Booth arrives to see Brennan standing still by the grenade*
•At least 5 guards there too
*Booth comes in and looks at the grenade and the laser beams*
•Tells Brennan it isn't real
*Guards all leave and Brennan asks how he knows it's not real*
*Booth reveals that the grenade is a toy grenade from a comic book*
*Booth shuts the toy off and Brennan sighs in relief + relaxes*
*Booth asks what Pelant said to her*
           •Tells Booth about the mysterious serial killer he mentioned
*Booth says Pelant said it to distract them because their getting close*
•Says Pelant is afraid
*Brennan says because Booth will kill him in a questionable tone*
*Booth crushes the toy grenade*

*Brennan looks over the old cases but can't find any connections*
*Cam tells Brennan she needs her to focus on the current case*
*Cam reveals she found a piece of Flynn's tooth in his stomach*
*Brennan reveals it could be there on purpose and explains why*
          •Told Flynn she once solved a case using only a tooth

Brennan-"....You've known Booth longer than I have. Do you think he'll kill Pelant the next time he has the chance?"

Cam-"Usually I'd say no, but... the way Booth's turning Flynn into a saint, feels like he's working himself up for something. But Booth's a complex man. I'm not sure any of us can tell what he's really thinking deep down."

*Brennan goes to Clemens bar to talk to him about Booth*

Brennan-"Booth wants to kill Pelant. Which is fine. He's a very bad man. He's murdered.... we don't know how many people. What if there's someone worse and we need Pelant to catch that killer?"

Clemens-"Oh, God. It's these ethical dilemmas that drove me out of the priesthood."

Brennan-"I need to know what Booth is going to do."

Clemens-"So U can protect Pelant?"

Brennan-"He's more valuable alive than dead. That's all."

C-"It depends which Booth is there."

B-"Seeley Booth, the one I love."

Clemens-"No, I mean, like all of us, he has two sides to him. He has one side that wants to save the world and one side that wants to take care of the people he loves. Those two collide, well, that's what you call a tortured soul."

B-"There's no such thing as a soul."

Clemens-"Says you. But Booth values nothing higher than his soul. Yet... he's willing to sacrifice his soul by killing Pelant."


Clemens-"For you, of course. It's always gonna come down to you."

*Brennan examines bones again and says Pelant left a puzzle*
•Tells Cam she doesn't know what the solution is yet
*The bones all belong to victims of the mysterious serial killer*
*Brennan says there has to be clues somewhere on the bones*
•Something that may link the victims to one killer
*Brennan realizes Pelant switched the bones between bodies*
*Only 1 body has the correct set of bones and it's the victim he mentioned*
        •Victim (Chloe Campbell) had the same fracture as Flynn
*Cam asks why Pelant would do all this and Brennan thinks it's a code*

*Sweets barges into Booths office and says he can't get mad*
•Says he believes Pelant is trying to seduce Brennan
*Sweets says Pelant used research to study Booth and Brennan*
•Knows that Brennan changes her mind about people

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