11x2 - The Brother in the Basement

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⚠️⚠️ 24 HOURS EARLIER⚠️⚠️

*O'Donnell and 2 men burn the van with Jared's body inside*
             •Booth is there and tries to stop them from torching Jared + the van

Booth weakly-"That's Jared in there. That's my brother."

O'Donnell-"You're not the only one who's hurting here. Jared was one of us. We served together. But the plan stays. We torch everything. And if you have a problem with that, then you can get in the van and curl up next to him."

Booth-"You're right. Everything's gotta go. But you're not the one who's going to do it."

*Booth grabs something from O'Donnell then stares at Jared's body*
          •Booth ignites a torch and watches Jared's body + van start to burn

*Booth in very bad shape — hands are shaky and he's still bleeding out*
            •Booth panting heavily as the other 3 men watch him but don't help
*O'Donnell is the leader of whatever is happening — he is making a trade*
              •Group celebrate as they talk about trading the $2M for a list
*O'Donnell asks Booth if he can stay alive for 5 more hours until the trade*
*Booth doesn't answer but screen shows his condition meaning probably not*

*Cam starts autopsy on the man who they believe killed Jared*

Hodgins-"Cam, I just want to say.... I'm sorry about Jared. I know when you and Booth used to date, he was a big part of your life."

Cam-"Yeah. He was like a kid brother. I mean, the one that always got into trouble. But he was family."

*Angela tells Cam and Hodgins that Brennan is at the FBI*
•Tells them how they found out Agent Miller has been keeping secrets

Brennan-"Why aren't you telling us the truth? If your partner is missing, he may be held captive with Booth. I am offering to help you find him."

Aubrey-"Unless you already know that your partner is dead."

Caroline-"Or he's the one doing the capturing. Either way, if you don't start talking, I'm charging you with obstruction of justice and you can kiss this case good-bye."

Miller-"All right, you want the truth? Four days ago, just before Richard went missing, he downloaded and printed out a list... Undercover agents. Anyone from the Bureau embedded in criminal or terrorist organizations."

Brennan-"Your partner is a traitor, willing to let good agents die for money. But rather than share that with us, you accuse my husband of murdering his own brother."

Miller-"Your husband went missing two days after Richard. You can't tell me that that's a coincidence."

Aubrey-"I'm gonna need an address for your partner's house. I'll take Dr. Brennan and see if we can find any evidence that points to where he slithered off to."

Miller-"No. Richard's disappearance is not your case."

Aubrey-"You just made it my case. As you said, it can't be a coincidence when two agents go missing."

Miller-"My team has already searched his apartment."

Car-"Your team is not the Jeffersonian."

Miller-"The Jeffersonian is not the only lab in town. It's not even the best. It hasn't been since you (Brennan) quit."

Br-"Then you should consider me back."

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