Love at first sight?

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I just lost track of where the night guard I was chasing was going and that's when i heard a jumpscare sound it was kind of weak like BonBon's but it wasn't as high pitched and it was way shorter so i decided to investigate. Soon as I got there I saw a female fox who had black eyes with white pupils that reminded me of the moon in the night sky. She also had long hair with a purple and orange ombre, earings on her ears, and she was white with hints of purple and orange. After she saw me she somehow, I don't know how, teleported beside me and cut the shock collar on me off and then she went into a computer screen. I then heard "what the?" behind me so i turned around and saw everyone behind me. "Well that was weird." said Puppet who was in total awe of what happened.

It's now the morning and everyone is still in shock and not one person has been a jerk to me today so that's a plus. I cant get my mind off of the fox I saw last night how did she glitch into the computer and teleport?

third POV 

with the strange fox

"Where were you last night Lolbit?! You know Boss is going to freak out if you went... ah shoot you went out of the backrooms last night didn't you?" asked a 6'02" tall robot with wires hanging from him and a clown mask. "Yeah I did leave at least i got to scare the heck out of a security guard while at it. So what's the problem with leaving it ain't like Yenndo is gonna find out Ennard." responded Lolbit. "Not going to find out about what Lolbit?" asked a bear without his suit. "That i sneaked out of the back rooms to try to scare a nightguard. Im sorry Yenndo and I think the entire crew outside of the backrooms saw me glitch into a TV." responded Lolbit who put her ears down in sorrow. "I know the backrooms aint the best but it's what keep us safe. What else happened or did they see you scare the guard and glitch into a computer or TV?" asked Yenndo in his concerned tone. "I also saw a pink and white fox who looked like he has been treated like a slave with a shock collar on him so I helped him by cutting the collar off. It did give me quite a shock and im pretty much sure I saw a blue version of bonnet." said Lolbit. "Well I guess we should go meet them cause when I was there wasn't a blue version of bonnet. Then suddenly a pink,orange, and white chicken broke down the door to her room and yelled "NEW PLACE FOR SELFIES!". "Yes, Yes it is a new place for selfies Funtime Chica." Said Ennard as he rolled his eyes while Lolbit was laughing cause the door hit yenndo right in the face.

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