The Mission

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I walked through the halls as noise began to pick up all around me drifting around. Life began to blow up all around unlike it was earlier this morning. I walked through the never ending hall of the castle making my way to the hanger. The sun began to reach the fullest peak with in the the sky creating warmth to illuminate my skin. I already prepared myself for the mission and even took a long time in the refresher cleansing myself form my morning workout. As I walked down the halls I kept repositioning my blaser on my waist and I kept checking it as I walked out of fear of anyone spotting it. It was something that was crustal to have on any of the information retrieval missions I went on. I had definitely learned that since my first mission out. Today's had me extremely jittery especially about the fact that I was headed into Coruscant which is something I rarely ever did. It became unnerving as ever time the thought of going even crossed my mind but I told myself to relax. I took another deep breath before entering the docking bay doors, I quickly adjusted my cloak positioning it across my shoulders. I entered the correct cratentadls to make my way into the room.

The doors skidded open letting me into the chaotic hanger and people moved around preparing ships or boarding one themselves. I suddenly became so focused into myself that I barely paid attention to any of my upcoming soundings. A thought deep down began to crawl up into my head that before I was able to board a ship without any notice form anyone but will things be difficult now that I am queen. "No your fine" I told myself reassuring what I needed to hear. I continued walking and reached an abrupt stop and I almost knocked into one of the royal council members. Great, just what I need right now. I had to make myself seem blunt and not sound suspicious. This would be almost near impossible especially for some one or an entire group that dose not trust you in any form.

"Your majesty where are you headed this fine afternoon" he spoke, emitting a tone that he kept solid.

"I am just headed out on another planetary relief mission".

"Oh, I did realize that you were doing that today".

"Yes, and I must get going I am a little behind" he was still standing in front of me and I was getting more nervous and I did not want to run late in fear that the rebel leader I am meeting is early. And we had to avoid any imperial entanglements. He spoke again this time nodding to the person closer to him using some kind of code.

"Then if you are going I must recommend a guard".

Oh that's just swell. I told myself letting the sarcasm sink in as I had to find a way to avoid this predicament. "There is no need I am just going to Coruscant".

"Well in that case it is prudent and we should notify them that you will be arriving there".

"This is not going well" I spoke underneath my breath to solidify my annoyance in the situation.

"Did you say something"?

"No, and I don't need guards either I will be fine on my own, now I really have to get going". I began to walk off towards my ship but then he began to speak again, quite not finished with his previous thoughts.

"Well if you have it covered I will be on my way".

Then he got down close to me and whispered in the tone of a threat.

"But just so you know, the council are on to you and in the end we will have our way, now go, get going".

He finished as he began to walk back in the direction he came in. His breath lingered around my ear as goosebumps crawled down my neck. I immediately shook it off but his last words locked into my brain digging themselves in. I thought into it and it would have definitely explained the events this morning. This made me believe that they have been spying on me this whole time which was an extremely plausible conclusion. I continued to walk now directing my mind to the mission at hand. I jumped in my ship and started up. The thrusters and the ship began to roar as the engines ignited. The ship rocked as it began to take flight and I watched as my home planet began to become smaller and smaller in the distance behind me.

2hours later...

I made it into Coruscant's atmosphere and felt the ship jerk as it moved closer to the planet. I found a distance place to land avoiding being caught on there scopes. I existed the ship pulling my cloak above my head and fasting my blaster to make sure it was secured. I walked through the streets as stormtroopers lined them constantly checking to see if everyone was allowed in this area.The streets of the city were dark and dingy. I would have expected Coruscant to be more pristine including the fact that it was the capital of the empire.

Poverty loomed the the city on every corner I turned. The imperial flag rained high in the distance as well as many others. It disgusting me to see it hang with such dignity and the people who respected it. There were absolutely bind to the entire intentions and the deadly capability that they had. I moved consciously avoiding any stormtrooper that came with in a meter of my perimeter. I finally approached the destination as my data pad began to light up. I spoke as I neared the rebellion informant. I saw as his jacket showed through the darkness with the symbol of hope on it. "You must be Cassian Andor, I am Elizabeth" He said nothing and I assumed I did something wrong. "Fulcrum?" I questioned myself again but ended up going with it.

"That me" he replied "And you must be part of the rebellion as well".

"That's correct, now do you have the information".

"This will get you the cordonneries to multiple safe bases that have there unique qualities".

"Thank you". I took the data disk out of his hand and slipped it in my pocket that I would later transfer.

"May the force be with you".

"And you as well". With that he slipped back into the shadows and I made my way back to my ship.

As I made my way navigating the turns I took to get here just in the opposite direction. I came to a halting stop as several troops made their way from the main building down to the loading bay. They looked as if they were planning an attack on a planet probably to have it join or surrender without having an option. The security squad was moving down the street and straight towards my direction. I quickly caught a glimpse of what was patching through their communications. And I let out gasp because my body was shaking uncontrollably which I realized they heard. I unlatched my blaster pulling it out holding down at my side preparing myself.

"What was that". One of them spoke which was muffled through the helmet.

"I don't know, we'll have to check it out".

I help it with a breath and automatically closed my eyes fearing for the worst possible outcome. I immediately picked up it to a sprint weaving in and out and I heard them call out.

"You there stop"!

I didn't intend on stopping not even for a second as my legs picked up the pace. Shoots began to fly around me but not even managing to hit anything. Which then I used as an advantage and spun around shooting and knocked the nearest one down. In that moment my hood flew off and the one trooper glimpsed at me and regrouped with the others. I watched as they pin pointed out who I was. I shacked uncontrollably as fear radiated through my entire body. I slipped down onto my ship and frantically pressed the calculations back home. I knew what was coming when I arrived. I breathed in sharply because of my pain. The empire was going to take over my kingdom and I was not prepared to face them.

The ship jumped out of hyperspace and I gasped in absolute horror at the sight that appeared in front of me. A fleet of Star Destroyers loomed over, covering my entire planet as I knew an imperial occupation was undertaking. As soon as I got a mere inches closer my ship flew through the sky violently swerving. I completely lost control of my ship as it began to be forced into a magnetic pull. I closed my eyes not wanting to open them. As I hoped this whole thing was just a nightmare but that was far from the reality.

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Authors note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter this was a fun one for me to write and it had a tie into Rogue One. It gave you a chance to see one of her missions. I know this left on a cliff hanger but also at the same time not if you read the summery. Good night and may the force be with you!

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