Abbacchio: First Sight

Start from the beginning

You play chess with Mista, who you've grown fond of. He's really fun when you guys aren't on a mission. Otherwise, he's just as deadly as everyone else, even though his Sex Pistols are so adorable—especially number 5.

"Checkmate!" you exclaim.

"Awww man, why do you have to be so smart?" he whines.

"Chess is really helpful. It involves critical thinking, something everyone should have. Don't you predict all possible outcomes ahead of time?" you ask.

"I do... Oh, wow. I never thought of it that way. Thank you, Y/N. Teach me more about this and I'll pay you back with a dinner date," he jokes.

"W-What?!" you get flustered, "Mista, you can't say stuff like that!"

You knew that Mista's a flirt, so you brushed it off and took a look to the side. Abbacchio is glaring at you and Mista as he listens to music.

"What's his problem?" Mista asks.

"I don't know. Maybe he's on his period," you joke.

You and Mista laugh out loud, making Abbacchio more jealous and angered.

"Nah, just kidding. I'll check up on him," you say.

You walk over to the sofa and sit next to Abbacchio, staring at him while his eyes are closed.

He opens one eye to look at you, "What do you want?"

You talk back, "What do I want? What do YOU want? Glaring at me and Mista like that."

"Nothing..." he says.

He's made it clear that the only times he feels at ease is when he's around Bruno— whether it be taking orders, hanging out at the restaurant, or fighting beside him.

But what no one knew is that you made him feel at ease as well. You made him feel something different. Something like butterflies floating around in his stomach whenever you smiled, his heart sinking when you talked to any other guy. Nobody knew because he was insecure.

"I know something's wrong, Leo. What is it?" you say. Abbacchio doesn't let anyone call him Leo except you, and it's just one evidence that he fell in love with you.

"Come with me," he says.

(Y/N, I know you feel like this is a start of a lemon you sneaky gurl, but it ain't, sorry 😣)

You nod goodbye to Mista as you follow Abbacchio into the kitchen. He pours you a glass of wine as you sit at the table. He sits in front of you.

"Sooo, what is it?" you ask.

"Do you like Mista?"

You freeze in shock, "Yeah, he's my friend," you say as you take a sip.

"No, like love," he says.

You almost spit out your drink, "Uhh, no. I don't love Mista as anything more than a friend. Plus, why does it matter to you?"

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Okay."

You put down your glass and stretch over to Abbacchio's side of the table.

"I said, why. does. it. matter. to you?" you repeat.

Abbacchio looks into your eyes, and you feel like melting. You kept your composure and stayed there with both of your hands still on the table. Hair falls in front of your face.

"It doesn't," he replies, brushing strands behind your ear.

You slouch back into your chair, thinking. Sighing of relief when you said you didn't like Mista? Glaring at you two while playing chess? Before Mista joined the team, it would be your brother you'd do activities with, but he became busier and busier.

You gasp and stretch over the table again, slamming your hands into it, "You're jealous!"

He gets up and leans in until there's an inch of space between you two, "So what?"

You feel your cheeks heat up, 'Screw it,' you think, and kiss him. You pull away and sit back down, taking a sip of your wine.

He's in shock. You don't seem like the type of person to do that, but based on your evidence it was a unanimous decision.

He walks over to you and lifts you up, "I've fallen in love with you, Y/N."

You smile, "I know, but since when?"

"Since I first met you."

I guess you can say that it was love at first sight.

1248 words excluding the a/n

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