The Owl Lady

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Luz was running past more stands, with her new friends close behind. Luz couldn't help but look around at the scenery around her.

 "So.. What exactly is this place?" She asks, looking back slightly for an answer. "This is the Boiling Isles! Made of the bones of a titan itself! We don't have humans here. We are called witches!" Boscha replies, now beside Luz. 

Luz looked around once more, then felt her eyes fall on Amity. They were all walking slower now since they were close to the stand the owl was supposably at. Boscha followed Luz's gaze, grinning at her. 

"Checking the Blight out, are ya?" She asks, leaning towards her slightly. "W-what! No!! No, no, no, no! S-sure I guess I think she's a l-little cute but.. No!" Luz blushes, shoving Boscha away gently. "S-shut up!" Luz whines, crossing her arms. "Haha! Hey Princes! This one here thinks you're cute!" Luz lets out a yelp and pulls her cat hood up, covering her face. 

Amity blushed slightly, and started yelling at Boscha. "Hey! Don't embarrass her, we just met her!" Amity caught up with them and punched Boscha in the arm playfully. Willow just grinned in the back, watching this unfold.

After a little friendly bickering and jocking, they finally made it to the owl lady's stand. Once they walked up to it, the first thing she noticed was the owl with her necklace still on its beak. She saw a woman next to the owl, going through the bag the owl had when it went through the door. 

Luz started walking up to the stand, taking a stance she thought The Good Witch Azura would take while in battle. "So you are the one they call Eda! I demand my necklace back! If you don't mind that is." Luz said, retracting slightly at the sight of the woman taking notice of her. 

Luz heard a slight giggle behind her. She turned her head slightly to see Amity laughing quietly at her enthusiasm, making Luz blush. "Oh hey kiddos, who's this?" Eda asked, taking off a pair of silly glasses she pulled out of the bag. 

"Hey Eda the Owl Lady! Our new friend here said Owlbert took her necklace." Willow said, walking up to the stand. "Oh that thing, yea i was just gonna use it as customer bait but i guess you can have it."

Eda took the necklace out from the bird's, now named Owlbert's, beak. "Here ya go kid. Hey wait, is that a human?" Eda asked, looking at Luz, who has calmed her blush. "Yep! The one and only i guess. My name's Luz!" 

Lus held out her hand towards the witch, who just looked at her weird. She poked her hand with a confused look. "Is this some kind of human greeting ritual??" Eda asked, looking at Willow for help. "Uh no, you do this!" Luz gently took her hand and guided her hand towards her own. 

Amity and Boscha watched as Luz shook her hand with Eda's, then looked at each other sharing a confused look.

"Uh.. Anyways, how did a human get into the Boiling Isles?" Eda asked, ignoring the hand ritual that they had done. "Oh well… i don't know. I just followed that little butthole-" Luz pointed at Owlbert, who just hooted in response, "through a weird glowing door and ended up here!" Luz finished, looking back at Eda with a grin. 

"Oh. Wait, did that door look like this?" Everyone watched as Eda pulled out a yellow key with an eye on the front out of her hair. She pressed the eye, making the familiar bright light show up, followed by the same door Luz rushed into to save her necklace.

"That's it! That's the door!" Luz said, practically jumping up and down. Amity watched, blushing. "I can go back home. Like I never left." 

Amity felt her heart break at this. She didn't know why it hurt to think her new friend will already be leaving. 'Why am i feeling like this? We literally just met!! But i can't help it. She seems like the kind of friend that could make everything 10× better than they are. It'd be nice to have a friend like her around. Friend…' 

Amity looked at Luz, watching her expression drop slightly, stopping her bouncing. Luz looked at Boscha, then Willow, and finally landed on Amity. She felt like she had held the eye contact longer than anyone else, making her look away blushing.

"I… i don't want to go." Luz said, standing straight (gay) up, looking at Eda once again. "What was that?" Eda asked, taking her gaze off the door. 

"I want to stay! My life back home is boring. No one gets me and.. I don't really have any friends…" Luz looked to the ground then back at Eda. "I'm staying! At least for now. I want to see what a world full of magic looks like!" Luz looked around them, taking in even more of the scenery.

"If you say so kid." Eda started closing the door, but then Boscha spoke up. "But will it really not be noticed that your missing in your world? No one there will miss you?" Luz looked back at Boscha, then back to the ground. 

"Not really… wait! My momi! She will notice!" Luz pulled out her phone from the bag Amity was holding. Everyone looked at the weird box in the human's hands. "What's that?" Amity finally spoke up, when she saw Luz turn it on and open up the messaging app on it.

"Oh this is my phone! Do you guys have something like this here in your world?" She asks, looking up to look at Amity. "Uh i don't know. What can you do on it?" Amity replies, looking back at the weird box.

Luz explained what her phone was to everyone, Eda, Willow, and Amity just looking at her weirdly. Boscha jumps up, realizing something. "Wait! That box thingy is like a scroll!" Boscha did a quick glowing circle in the air with her finger, catching the attention of Luz. "Woah…" She says, as a scroll like item appears out of nowhere. 

"Oh yea that makes sense!" Amity said, pulling out her owl the same way. Luz just watched with wide eyes. 

Her amazement got interrupted from a vibration on her phone. She looked back down to her phone, reading the message she got. Oh no...

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