Sleepover Numbero Dos

841 22 73

Amity and Luz were hanging out together in the human's room. Eda had already known of the change of plans, since Amity wanted to surprise Luz with the visit.

Amity was sitting at the head of the human's bed, Luz sitting next to her as they talked about her theories on the upcoming Good Witch Azura book. Amity told Luz that the book wasn't coming out to the Boiling Isles for another three months and that the human realm was publishing it sooner than her realm was.

"Since book 5 ended on a cliffhanger of Azura saving Hecate and giving her a second chance at doing the right thing, I think their friendship will only bloom from there! What do you think will happen between them, Amity?" Luz said, turning her head to the witch. 

Amity was zoning out listening to Luz' voice, but was pulled out as soon as Luz turned to her.

"O-oh! Yea um.. I think that's cool. Yep haha!" Amity rushed, trying to cover her blush by looking the opposite way. Luz tilted her head with a worried look on her face. 

"Are you alright?"

Amity didn't reply. She just looked at all the pictures Luz had of herself and her friends. 'It's only been a few weeks but she's already made so many memories.' Amity felt a small smile come across her face at the thought. Luz stayed quiet, following Amity's gaze.

She then looked down to the ground, then up to a clock hung up next to her window, reading 5:24. "I think it might be about time to get you home." Luz said with a small amount of disappointment leaking in her voice, which Amity caught. 

She turned to the Latina, smiling at her, then brought her hands up to her half ponytail. "Well, if it's ok with you, I'd like to stay over. It's already pretty late and my parents are out on a business trip for a few months." As Amity finished her statement, she pulled her hair out of the ponytail, wrapping the hair tie on her left wrist. 

She messed with her hair a little, then let it be, turning her head to the human. Luz had watched as she took her hair down, blushing when the girl finished. "W-what.. It looks b-bad, doesn't it.." Amity mumbled, looking away sadly.

"What? N-no! Your hair looks really pretty down." Luz said. Amity looked back at Luz with a light blush forming on her cheeks. 

"N-not that it doesn't look pretty up! Your hair looks amazing up to! It just makes you look very pretty with it down. W-wait I'm not saying you look ugly with it any other way! It's just- ugh.." Luz slapped both her hands to her face in embarrassment. "Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking!" She mumbled to herself.

Amity bursted out laughing from Luz' bi panic attack. She brought her hand up to her mouth to try and muffle the laughing. Luz just watched as she did, admiring the way the sunset that was flowing through the window highlighted the young Blight's hair in a way to make it look magical. 'It's illegal to look this beautiful…'

Once Amity calmed down, she looked at Luz, giggling slightly. "You're such a dork. But you're an adorable one." 

It went silent after she said that, both girls blushing silently to themselves.

After a few minutes, Amity broke the silence. "So.. Can I?" She asked, looking over to the girl beside her once again. 

"C-can you what?" Luz asked, startled slightly from her random question in the quietness. 

Amity giggled quietly to herself before answering. "Can I stay over? I don't feel like walking back to the portal, texting Eda, and walking back to the manor all in the dark." Amity asked, looking towards Luz.

"Oh! I don't mind, I'll just have to ask my mamá. It's also a school night. There's no school on Friday because of the fair but tomorrow still has school."

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