Payback and Bruises

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Amity and Luz arrived at the school. The two made their way through the entrance and into the building. Luz was a little hesitant to ask, but felt she had to.

"Hey Amity?" She spoke softly. The witch glanced in her direction with a small 'hm?' "I was just wondering, should we tell the principal? This is a big deal.." Luz watched as Amity hesitated, noticing her hesitation in her steps as well. After a moment, she stopped.

"Luz.. I'm not ready to tell anyone..." She spoke quietly but Luz could hear her perfectly. "I understand. Whenever you're ready." She smiled lightly and watched as the girl returned it, continuing their walk.

"We do need to go back to the Principal's office today though. He called our house phone this morning when you were sleeping. Surprisingly, I make a really good Camila impression!"

Luz saying her mother's name caught Amity off guard. She giggled before replying. "Oh is that so? And what did the principal have to say to Ms. Camila?"

Luz smiled at the girl beside her before continuing. "He was asking about you and if you were planning on enrolling! I let him know, or well my 'mamá' let him know that you would like to be a guest for another day." Luz used her index and middle finger to make quotations around the word mamá.

"I talked to him a little more about your situation. Of course I didn't tell him the actual story, just that your parents were out on a trip to another country and my mamá would be looking out for you for a few weeks." Luz smiled after she finished, but Amity's smile dropped.

"About that.. about me getting back home more specifically. Uhm... my magic isn't working. And the portal back home was gone." A worried look came across Luz's face. "What do you mean?" Just then did Luz notice that Amity's ears were still pointy.

The two's conversation was interrupted by none other than.. him. Amity's eyes went wide and she took a step back. He took a few more steps forward, jabbing his index finger into Amity's chest, causing her to flinch. Tears stung at her eyes but she refused to let anything fall.

"Listen. Tell anyone, and I mean anyone about our little.. 'magic' session yesterday and you'll have more to worry about than a little fucking around." The boy threatened violently.

Amity started shaking, not being able to control herself as tears fell down her cheeks. Luz's heart broke at the sight. She gritted her teeth, her hands forming into tight fists.

"U-understood.." Amity struggled to mumble. Luz couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't watch some rapist, some sexual assaulter treat Amity like that. Treat the girl she cared about so much like total shit.

"Hey, sir?" Luz spoke softly and kindly, tapping his shoulder. He glanced at her, confused. "What do you-" he was interrupted by her fist slamming right into his face with so much force he fell down onto the ground, his head hitting the wall of lockers on the way down.

"Don't fucking touch her again." The amount of anger Luz's voice projected caused the boy to freeze there on the ground, looking up at her. She looked like she was genuinely about to seriously hurt him, she looked like a sociopath from his position.

Amity flinched back, not sure how to react. Luz kicked hard into the boy's crotch, causing him to yell out in pain. "YOU FUCKING-" He was interrupted by Luz's booming voice once again, only somehow louder and more violent.

"DONT. FUCKING. TOUCH HER AGAIN." The amount of attention that had been drawn to them up until this moment made Amity uncomfortable. She lightly grabbed Luz's arm, struggling to get words out. "U-uhm.. Luz. Can we get going now?" She spoke lightly."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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