Chapter 5

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He pressed me up against the wall, smashing his lips against mine.

He suddenly grabbed my boobs, making me gasp. He took the chance to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

My knees felt weak, like I was going to fall any second.

I moaned as he wrapped my legs around his waist.

Then, suddenly, I was almost falling. The wall behind me was actually a door. That Zach had just opened.

He carried me to the bed, laying my back against it so my legs were still wrapped around him.

He groaned into my mouth as he grabbed my boob again. I ground against him, smiling in satisfaction as he gasped.

I spun us over do I was on top. Ma- "The cops are here!" Someone screamed as they opened the door. What?

"Shit." Zach muttered, grabbing my hand. "Let's go."

I stumbled after him as he led me to the window. I don't know what I was thinking when I jumped from that window, but the next thing I knew,

I was unconscious.

A/N I know, I know. That was insanely short. So do you guys think Zach and Clover would make a good couple?

I've always wondered why no one does A\N instead of A/N, the first one makes me feel uncomfortable though.

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