Chapter 4

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|| A/N: So I know that this is very weird with like the sexual-ness, but the whole book won't be like that. It has a storyline that isn't just her acting slutty. Though these first few chapters, I'm trying to get the point across that these kids are horny bastards who get drunk at parties and have sex. Except for the Famesome Eightsome lol. ||
Everyone stared at me expectantly.
I forced a fake smile and pretended to be thinking. I had no idea what to say. My reputation could be put on the line if I answered the truth. But if I lied and someone knew the answer than my rep would be gone for good.
Zach looked a bit concerned as I smiled tightly. He had been a bit weird tonight. I don't know how, he just seemed off at some points. Not laughing with everyone else sometimes, because "It wasn't funny." Even though it was hilarious.
"You guys are weird." I announced. "But I am..."
I winced. "Still a virgin."
~~~ (I've decided to name them 1, 2 and 3. :D)
I panted wildly, my breath coming out in short puffs.
As soon as I had answered everyone had just like, stopped and stared at me. I was the most popular girl after all, how had I not had sex?
I know it was weird for me to try to still the Eightsomes virginities when I was still a virgin, but I thought I would've lost my virginity to some gorgeous guy beforehand. Besides, those guys are nice and sweet and I wouldn't mind losing it to them.

As soon as I had answered I had made a run for it. Using the bathroom excuse.

"Hey you!" A voice yelled right next to me. "You're the one that lied to us! Did you lock us out as well?"
I turned to face a brunette bimbo. She had a cake face and horribly faked tanned body. She was wearing her underwear and bra.
Um, ok?
"No." I lied. "That was my twin sister Eve." I didn't think she'd believe it, but she was so wasted that she just nodded and walked off.
I climbed up the stairs, looking for the bathroom. I knew it was on the second floor. I just didn't know where.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I found myself facing Zach. Up close his eyes looked even more beautiful.
"What're you looking for?" He asked. Did I mention that he had the most amazing voice. It was just aaaah.
"Uh, I'm, um." I stuttered. Zach raised his eyebrows, grinning.
"I'm looking for the bathroom." I finally got out.
He gestured for me to follow him. He led me around a few corners and there it was! The toilet.
As I was about to step in, I felt hands roughly grab onto my hips.
"Don't I get a thankyou?" Zach whispered huskily in my ear.
By breath hitched in my throat. I spun around and went to step forward. Unfortunately I didn't realise how close he was and stood on his foot as I stepped forward. We tumbled to the floor, me on top of him.
He grinned up as me as his hand found it's way to my neck.
He pulled my face towards his.
And then we were kissing.

A/N: Short chappy I know! But next chapter will be up soon so whateves. Vote, comment and follow!

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