Christmas Special(spider Man)

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It was finally Christmas break for you and Peter. The school ended with Christmas music blasting through the speakers in the hallways as everyone pushed there way through to get home.

This year Peter got to spend most of the Christmas with you at stark tower. That ment with: your older brother Tony, your nice Morgan, and the rest of the team. When you guys got home you saw Morgan, Pepper and Steve decorating the tree and the others putting up lights and other holiday things.

"(y/n)! Peter!" Morgan raced to you and hugged your leg tightly. "come help us with the tree" we both smiled at Morgan and ditched our school bags.

As we put up all the decorations Peter handed Morgan a Christmas Bell ornament. "hay Morgan, did you know everytime a Christmas bell is run an angel get their wings." Morgan's eyes widened with happiness and she took it from Peter and started to ring it a hole bunch of time as she skipped around the tower. "I think a made a mistake" Peter laughed.

You rolled your eyes and noticed a piece of paper on the coffee table with Morgan's hand writing. "hay Morgz what's this?" the ringing stopped and she ran to the both of you.

"this year I'm gonna kidnapped Santa and ask him something very important" she said taking her 'blueprints' and started studying it.

"what's so important you want to ask?" Peter asked.

"something special"she started." for all of you guys" you ad Peter tilted our heads questioning her.

"you guys works so hard for everyone else. You guys, daddy, uncle Steve, all of you... When was the last time someone did something nice or special for you?"

You knelt down in front of your nice and hugged her. "all I want is to spend Christmas with you, your dad, and this dork behind me" you said motioning to Peter.

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