Dating Brock Rumlow

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~he's an absolute ass to everyone but he treats you like a queen and is always gent towards you.

~always having to defend him when it comes to shield or being an Avenger.

~he revealed to you he was forced to join Hydra so you had to hide him from shield and Hydra both.

~your brother hates him no matter if hes on the good side now or not

~your brother Steve wanting you to break up with him but gave up when he saw how happy you are.

~quiting shield after the hole winter soldier incident.

~he's so gentle when it comes to touching you.

~he feels he's done everything rough his hole life so when it comes to you he's almost scared to touch you sometimes.

~his kisses are passionate and slow

~sex is the same way. He'll only get rough if you ask him but he's always afraid he'll take it too far.

~he never dose though and rough Brock is usually the best in bed.

~he's very protective of you because he afraid Hydra will come after you just to get back at him

~he's absolutely jealous of Clint because he's your best friend and he knows you'd be safer and happier with him.

~that's not true so you always have to show him he's the only man she loves.

~he sometimes thinks he's too old for you.

~"Am I too old for you?"  "No, I collect antiques"

~there's a side of him only you get to see. He's playful and childish around you.

~no one knows but he's a big cuddler and needs his arms around you at night.

~he has nightmares of Hydra taking you or him.

~your always there to help him get through them though.

~he loves to train with you because you always make it into one big joke.

~he takes training seriously but he doesn't care you make into a joke because you never fail to make him laugh.

~before Brock married you he wanted Steve's permission.

~Steve said no at first because part of him thought Brock would hurt you.

~Steve agreed after a mission that consist of him, you and brock. Brock took a bullet for you and never left your side when you were in the hospital.

~Steve except him into the family even if he still didn't 100% trust him.

~Natasha still doesn't and tried get you to leave him. She saw how much it hurt you so she decided to support you.

~after a LOT of convening the averagers actually let him join the team with you.

~he ver yells or fights with you because the last thing he wants is to think he's a monster.

~he's was also afraid that you'd leave him after you saw his scars on the side of his face. You didn't let him think that though.

~your the only thing he loves and cares about.

~if he stayed a 'villain' or not you would never leave his side.

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