Chapter 04 - Nightmare (PART 1)

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A/N- there will just be a minute sneak peak to my character's (Nikita) previous life OR a small chapter consisting of Louis's POV with Zoey, Sam and Tanner. You guys decide. If you want A sneak peak to Nikita's previous life, comment #NikitaSneakPeak or if you want Louis's POV comment #LouisPOV. The one with the most votes will be chosen for next chapter but hurry! Voting ends @22nd of Dec ^_^.

Chapter 4 Part 1~


I reached the class with Karmen, it was like any other first day once we reached in there. Like I hadn't just fallen flat on my ass in front of one direction, like I hadn't started to doubt the stupid statement T made actually had the possibility to be true. All was forgotten.

The classroom was HUGE and semicircular. The last bench was more elevated from the one before it and they all faced towards the Enormous green board. There was enough space for 100 students. Even though I knew CUL was know for its good infrastructure but I never imagine it to be so good. I stood by the door frame in awe for almost more than five seconds, taking it all in.

Karmen chose a seat not too near the teachers, or not too far. It was somewhere in the middle and I appriciated her decision.

The first period hadnt even ended yet, and the crowd was distributed into groups. There were Rebellious Emos all dressed in black, some weird boys wearing loose tracksuits and tattoos at the last bench. They just creeped me out. There were these studious nerdy kids who sat right on the front row, not talking, but studying.

Then there were the jocks and cheerleader material. Who were were on the right middle corner, laughing and picking on the other kids already. How typical. I rolled my eyes at them at turned left to face Karmen again.

"So..Where do you stay at?" I asked. Not knowing any other better question.

"I will be staying at the campus itself." She replied with a smile.

"Oh, your parents.." I trailed off wanting her to finish.

"...are back in England."

"Oh.. okay, I was thinking-" I was quite because that's when the teacher came in, he was wearing a suit, was in his forties or fifties I guess and had receding and grey hair. And man was he fat!

"Goodmorning students!" He greeted everybody. "I am Mr.Adams, your English literature teacher."

"Goodmorning Mr.Adams" All students sang.

"Now, Can I please tell you to introduce yourselves one by one?"

"Its not like you are going to remember our names anyway!" called out a voice from the last bench and everybody laughed.

"Yes, but practice makes perfect.. and I will try to give my hundred percent to you guys and in return-" I tuned out of his talk immediately. I instantly knew he was one of those teaches who counsel more and teach less. They were easily distracted from the main topic and went on and on about wrongs and rights of life.

I looked at my watch and then looked at Karmen, she was already dozing off on the desk. I laughed to myself and then started doodling on my drawing pad.

"Sorry we are late! " cried two boys from the doorway and all eyes went towards the door. I couldnt help but look too. I almost fell off my chair and so did everybody else, when we saw who it was. Niall and Harry Huffing on the doorway, pleading the teacher to come in. There was a low noise of people talking to themselves, most probably about the two boys who just came in.

"This is totally not acceptable" Exclaimed Mr.Adams shaking his head in fury and went on and on about punctuality. "Karmen-Karmen! wake up!" I said hissing under my voice. "Whaa.. where?how!" she came back to life. "Look whos here" I said pointing towards the 2/5 of one direction.

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