Chapter 10 - Drummer boy

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Chapter 10, Part I~

"What problem ?" I asked Sam, confused.

Sighing she looked up at me to answer me. "There is an inter-college music competition."

"...aaannndd..?" I prompted her.

"And they can't find a suitable drummer for the college band." Kaylie informed me with a half frown in her face.

Hearing that just made my choke on my own spit. Coughing I asked them, "Oh, is it so?" I asked them uncomfortably.

"Hey guys!" Karmen called from out of the blue. I saw her walking up to our table. "Found the drummer boy for our college band yet?" She asked Sam cheerfully.

Which made Sam even more depressed and it wasn't long before she strayed banging her on the table pleading and begging us to kill her.

"She will have to resign her hard earned post as the assistant-something of the music department, if she doesn't find any person by TO-DAY" Kaylie frowned. And I couldn't help but feel miserable.

"Nobody yet. That's who we've found." Sam told me.

"I searched the whole freaking school!" She protested, now annoyed. "And seriously? Not a SINGLE good drummer in WHOLE freaking school?! In sure there are some good drummer players in the college but they are too sissy to go and perform with one direction or in front of 5000 people." She blurted out. Knitting her eyebrows together.

5000 People?! Are you kidding me!

"What about Will?" I asked my eyes glimmering with hope. "He was the college drummer last year right?"

"Broke his right arm and pretty much rest of his body in an accident." Kaylie said in a robotic voice.

"Oh, sad. What about Dyllan?"





"Bad break up. He cant even talk without crying. Let alone Drum.Do you really think a crying and depressed drummer would really attract the audiance.?"


"No. It wont. So, just keep quite." she ended off giving me a death glare.

Everybody was silent. And I was debating with myself on weither or not I should...

"Hey what about Ryan?" Karmen suggested out of the blue.

As Far as I knew Ryan was Sam's geeky and studious room-mate, (more like apartment mate) and Our English teacher, Mr.Adams' only son.

"NO-WAY! Ryan is not-" Sam protested immideately.

"Ryan is not-what?" We were all startles by a voice that came from behind us.

"Hey Ryan." Kaylie half smiled at him.

"You gals were talking about me" He winked at me. And then wrapping a tight arm around Karmen. Making both our faces go cherry.

Even though that guy was studious and annoying and his absolute presence made everybody want to kill themselves (or him. Depending on the situation), I can not deny that he was absolutely, mind-blowingly, stunningly hot.

"No, Ryan. We are not as obsessed you. Maybe you should take a look around to know why" Sam smirked at him. Ususally she would be totally cool about his annoying behaviour but, right now, because of the situation she was in, correction, WE were in she was beinga bit snappy.

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