Chapter-32 (P*A*R*T*2 :D)

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Yo peeps...what's up! Nigga got swag xD Please do not report me to the cops for using sucha racist term :P It's just in our group of friends 'Nigga Got Swag' is like supposed to be an awesome term o.O the thing as to why I didn't update!'s kinda pissed at me for almost flunking IP (IP = Computer Science). So...she has confiscated my cell and iPod and laptop :( I just got the laptopp for a bit so I planned on writing! Sorry for not updating guys and for this looooooong A/N. Teehee.

Wait...just before you all start reading here is the summary of where the story was left last.


Tanner confesses that he is in 'love' with Sam (*blush blush*). Though Sam does not hear this confession and leaves the restaurant with her sexy teacher, Ryan Ackerman (*wink wink*). Nikita and Tanner find out that Aunt Sofie is umm...a lesbian. Niall is jelly over all the attention George is getting. No, he doesn't know george is Karmen's beloved dog she brought back to Miami from her mom's place. Zayn and Kaylie and Liam and Tori are on a double date. Zaey's twin, Bree is off on a date with Justin Case. And just FYI, Justin Case is the guy who totally creeped Kaylie out by acting like a dog. Oh...and the fact that Rose's boyfriend, Troy, is also following Aunt Sophie's footsteps. Yes, you got it right. He is gay. Oh...and Tori and Liam think Troy and Tanner are gay and in love. As for the scenario concerned with Nikita and Harry, let's just say that Nikita feels that he just 'used' her to and manupulated her feelings to prove that he has a power over every goddamn girl in this world. Not true. Though Harry is not doing much to contradict this, he still has collected his nerves to battle this situation and let Nikita 'in' on what he really feels about her.


Enjoy reading!


(Sam's POV)

Ryan and I listened to 'The Script' on the radio. A comforming silence has envoloped us. i still was not certain exactly what 'we' were, but whatever it was, we were just fine...

"You're inviting trouble", I suddenly said with the ghost of a smile traced across my lips.

"Eh?" he asked looking my way. There was mischivious spark in his grey eyes. My breath actually stopped to take in his sight. He was just so damn...I don't know how to place the words. 'Cute' or 'hot' or 'charming' would truely be an understatment.

I closed my eyes to bring my mouth to venture what my mind had failed to. Oh boy...this was going down. I mean this 'plan'. I should've thought this through before blindly plunging into it. Like c'mon! What am I? Barny Stinson? I mean he is the only person who would be my alternate to a yet better version of Superman. Legend, that guy!

"Well..." I heaved in a deep breath and started to speak. Oh god, help me... "When we first met, you were a teacher to me. A hot teacher, yes. Shangable, totally." I paused to see his reaction. He seemed...amused. I kept going anyway, like I had never really told him that I might bang him. Talk about awkwardness, "And we kind of have been friends since the first year I came here. Not much of an age difference, really. Like 8 years. Not too much." Eight years would have been a lot if I was like 16 or something. But I am 21. And he is going to be 29. So...yeah, no biggie where age is concerned, "Plus you know that time in the car..." He knew what I was talking about. Ofcourse, he did. I observed his features contouring into what was noticibaly a remote effort to hide the color rushing to his cheeks. I am sure I was mirroring him, where that was concerned.

"Samara...if I had to do it all over again, I would" he said and I was taken aback as he stopped the vehicle. I looked out the open window and took in the pleasant and pacifing smell of the ocean.

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