Chapter 02 - The Fall and All

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Chapter 2~

~~Sam's POV~~

I parked my second hand Mustang 1989 into my reserved parking lot. Yes RESERVED! I had been freaking out about having something close to VIP-ish ever since I first got to know. Guess it comes with the privileges of being the assistant manager for the music department.

Now I was the only student in the whole of CUL (California University of liberal arts) who was also a part of the faculty. Say what?! And I am only a junior. This job is given to one student who is elected annually. And that student is supposed to be a senior. But guess the school management could bend the rules for someone as awesome as me. Not being vain. Maybe a little. Or a lot!

Proceeding, I got out of my car and kissed it goodbye in my signature style. You know the one with two fingers. Yeah...that's my thing. After involuntarily being torn apart by my true love, a.k.a my babe, my Mustang (who the hell says only guys fall for their cars?) I moved to my campus I had come to fall in love with. I knew the new big news: One Direction. Yeah...I know, I know. That Brit-Irish boy band with the super hot folks.

They were going to attend our school. It was like really confidential and no one was supposed to know. I was aware that their gig was going on at the moment since I could hear 'She's not afraid' playing. My best friend, Katie, would probably ditch me for 1D.

Who could blame her? She had a real thing for Zayn and Louis. But what the hell! I told her that it wasn't possible to ever date any guy from 1D and when she started dating this hottie from Australia, Chris, 1D came. Or maybe here 1D comes....!!!

"What the hell is going on?" I heard some girl say. I studied her face for a while since I felt I had seen her somewhere. Oh man! She's that freshman with the awesome resume. So what I did was what any responsible head assistant would do.

"Hey!" I shouted over the top of my lungs so that she could hear me over the blaring music.

"Um...hi." She said, with an awkward smile, clearly not recognizing me.

"You must be Nikita Chase?"

"Yep. That'd be me." She said, with utter confusing marking her words.

"Nikki?" Some other girl nudged Nikita, with a questioning gaze. Wait, I knew this chick too.

"And you're...Tori." I said more like a question, not remembering her last name.

"We're celebs Nik." She said with a goofy grin on her face. Huh! Cute, little freshmen don't have no idea what they've gotten themselves into. Don't mind me saying but CUL was not exactly your cliché 'sorority' but yep, defiantly close enough.

"Real sorry folks. This is Sam Parker here...the head assistant of the music department." Yeah...Sam, get used to saying that. The words rock my tongue!

"Ah! Guess that solves the mystery." Tori-something said. I smiled that her, because that's what a faculty member would (gets better every time I say or thing about it!) and started on my way.

"Have fun, girls. You don't get a free one direction gig every day." And at that they both gave out a chuckle, looking shortly at each other, then back at me.

"So one direction is here for real?" Nikita asked.

I nodded my head and held my grin. I could see that she was very excited but forcing herself to be composed and cool.

"Oh my god I can't-" then I tuned them out. 1D, famous or not, not my cup of tea. I waved them god by when I was abruptly stopped by none other than.............

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