Chapter I

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3rd pov

As she opened her eyes slowly she saw the color white. The ground feels cold and soft. "Where... Where am I? " She slowly stands up and looks around. All what she sees is snow. The cold wind blew in her face and she shivers from it. "Brrrrr... So cold! If I knew I was going to this place I would wear warm clothes." (Name) looks around again till she noticed a huge mountain.

"A mountain, that means that I'm in winter land or something like that." She thought, but also wonders if there are people in this cold place. "Guess I'll look around, maybe I'll see them." (name) walks to the huge mountain and she saw a big grey metal door right in front of her.

Before her hand reaches the metal door, she hears a voice. She turns around and sees a group of people in yellow suits in the mist. For some reason she feels very sleepy. "Wha-....What happened. Why do I feel so tired... Then the cause is from-..." She realizes that the group must have done something to her. Her body drops on the floor. (Name) feels so tired and sleepy. Her eyes glares at them. "What have you done to me....." After saying that, her eyes close and drift to sleep.

The yellow suit man walks to her unconscious body.
"Do you think she belongs to the group?" "I don't know but, probably" Replied the other man.
The yellow suit man grabs the rope to tie her up. When he's done, he picks her up. "Done. All right let's bring them to the master."

Few minutes later they bring the unconscious intruders to the Lab.
"I'm here to report, master. We seized the Intruders. I assume they are pirates." The yellow suited man said it to a gas-like form with a creepy face.
"Oh. That's perfect. We were running low on guinea pigs. Shurorororo. SHURORORORO." He said that, before he's laughing.

The strange gas-like form looks at the group of unconscious Intruders sleeping on the floor. "Shurororo. Well, well...They all look unique and interesting. They're gonna be good test subjects." "Yes, i thought you would especially- Master look!" After the yellow suit man said that he pointed out to a weird creature. The color of black like Darkness. His eyes are like yellow light. He moves like he's searching for something.

But then out of the blue popped out more creatures.
"What the hell! What are these!?"
The strange gas-like form was shocked. He had never seem them before. The shadow creatures are running to where the group of yellow suit men and the strange gas-like form are standing. "Master! What shall we do?" Asks the yellow suit man. "Destroy these creatures!" Replied the strange gas-like form. "Yes, sir" The whole group in yellow suits are attacking the shadow creatures.

But some of the shadow creatures are not going to the group but to unconscious (name's) body and one of them that was charging has noticed it. "Oi! They're going to the pirates! Stop them." A couple of the yellow suit group are going to the unconscious bodies where the shadow creatures are.

The group destroyed the shadow creatures one by one.
But something happens....
"Uwaaaaaah!" There was a ray of light coming out of his body. *shing* And a magical heart float out of his body.
The shining heart turns then into a creature just like them, but looks different. The shadow creature wears a helmet and on his body it has he has symbol of a heart. And the body of the yellow suits man vanishes away.

All of them can't believe their eyes. One of their men has turned into one of these shadow creatures. "W-What just happened?" Said one of them in the group. The strange gas-like form can't believe what he saw. That man's heart turns into a shadow creature.

"Shurororo, now that's interesting. You capture that creature with that helmet and bring him to the experiment room." He commanded to the yellow suit man.
"Yes, sir." He replied and chase the helmet creature. The strange gas-like form looks at the rest of the suits group. "Have you destroyed them all?"
"Yes. Oh, Master we also find a cyborg that you especially like." "Oh, what a rare find. He is worth testing. You're right. I can't wait. Will this be all?" Asked the strange gas-like form.

"It seems there was another man who looked like one of them but....I assume they had a falling out and he was murdered. All that remained was his skeleton. Such brutality is not so unusual for pirates." Replied one of his men. "I see. All right. I want you to lock them in a room and make sure they can't escape. Shurororo." "Master, can you change our man back into himself." Asked the yellow suit man.
"...I'll just see what I can do but, now bring them to the room." He said that and watch his group of men bringing the intruders to the room.

"What a bunch of fools. What the hell do i know to bring him back?" The strange gas-like form thought of what just happened. "It was very interesting that the heart changed into a creature. And that heart....It looks like....Magic... I'm going to research it and find out what it is." "If you want to know. I can tell." The gas-like form was startled by a unexpected voice. He turns around and saw a man wearing a black hood. He couldn't see his face. "Who are you!? And where do you come from!?" Asked the startled strange gas-like form. "Calm down. I'm not here for your experiments. I'm here for something else."

To be continued....

I hope One Piece character are not ooc. And I hope that reader Is not Mary Sue. (._. ;) If they are, then please let me know and I can edit it.

Oh one thing she's not powerful like Sora. She has three different keychains to change her Keyblade. And that is Starlight (my fav), Shooting Star and Royal Radiance. By Shooting Star she can change into Element form and has shot locks. By Starlight she has not second form but we'll shot locks. One more thing she can't always use magic. Like in KH 2 and 3 gameplay if she use Curaga then she can't use magic for around 20 seconds just like in the game. And that's it.

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