chapter X

137 3 1

3rd pov

Nami in Sanji's body looks at the sleeping giant kids and hopes that they'll be saved from Ceasar Clown. "I'll never let them go back. Who made the children addicted to drugs so they couldn't run away from his experiments? I'll never let Master away with this!" Said Nami in Sanji's body and is angry that Ceasar drugged and expiriment them. "Alright, then we gotta hurry up and kidnap Master!" Said Luffy determined. "That's right. It'll be hard to coordinate if we wait around." Said Franky and follows Luffy when he begins to walk. "I won't be late. I've got a good idea." Said Luffy while looking behind to his friends. "Huh?" Said Franky in confusion and wonders what his idea is. "What is it?" Robin also wonders what Luffy's idea is. "A greaaaat idea!" Said Luffy and it sounds like that his idea will be crazy. "For some reason I have a bad feeling about this when Luffy said it like that." (Name) said to herself a bit nervously.

What later out of the air falls Luffy in a big inflatable ball with Franky, Robin and (name) to the marine group. "Whoooooaaaaa!!!!" (Name) shouted and panicked a bit while the rest are not. Robin jumps off and uses her Devil-Fruit power by turning multiple hands into wings and flies to the ground. (Name) noticed that Luffy is going to crash to the ship, so she summoned her Keyblade Starlight throws into the air while jumping of them. The Keyblade Starlight turns into a Keyblade Glider Waveboard and flies to (name). She jumps in the air and lands on the Waveboard. While that happens Luffy and Franky crashed in the ship. BOOM!!! "Damn!" Franky shouts while punching the broken pieces away and steps out of the huge broken pieces of the ship. "Then Robin lands on the ground and her wings dissapeared.

(Name) flies on her Waveboard and is going to where Robin is standing and when she's by she jumps off and her Waveboard turns back to Keyblade. "Does Luffy have always crazy ideas?" Said (name) and Robin chuckles. "But it was fun right?" Said Robin to her. "Yeah it was fun and shocking, haha." (Name) said laughing a bit.
Smoker in Tashigi's body, Tashigi in Smoker's body and their comrades looking shocked that the Strawhats are here. Luffy and Franky are laughing. "That was a pretty good shortout!" Said Franky. "Master! Get out of here! I'm gonna kick your ass and kidnap you!" Luffy shouted happily. "Luffy, you're supposed to keep a secret." Said Robin to him. "Where are you Master?! Get out of here! Ahahahahaha!!" Luffy shouts and laughs and is ready to kidnap Ceasar.

"That bastard! Did he just say he will kick our master's ass and kidnap him?!" Said the man that is by Master's side.
"Fuck it! Take the Straw Hats down!" Said the other and his men are running to attack (name) and the Straw Hats. Franky stands before Luffy to protect and attack the enemies. "Strong...Right!" He said while big blue fist launch to the enemies. The blue fist launch back to him because of that he is chained in a cyborg body.

"Smoker-San, what should we do?" Asks Tashigi in Smoker's body. "Obviously, we have to capture the Straw Hats." Replied Smoker in Tashigi's body. Tashigi and Smoker stands ready to attack them, Tashigi notices a woman that holds a unusual weapon. She has never seen her before. "That woman." Tashigi says and remembers that she saw (name) with the Straw Hats and with the kids by the front door a while ago. "Smoker-San, do you think that woman is new member of the Straw Hats?" She asks him. "She's standing by the Straw Hats, so she's a new member of the crew." Said Smoker. "Catch the Straw Hats!" Yelled one of the men of G-5 and the group dash forward to attack the Straw Hats and (name).

Robin crosses her arms and closes her eyes. "Cien Fleurs!" She said and each person of G-5 grows two arms out and when the men saw it they freaked out. "Clutch!" Robin said while making her hands into fists and the arms grasp  the neck of the marine and push it so that the head is going backwards till your hear the crack. *crack* *crack* *crack* And it happens also by the other marines. Law and Chopper are looking at his allies in the distance. "What should we do?" Chopper asks to him while sitting in a bag and hangs on Law's sword. "Just let it be. Let's go inside." Said Law and walks to the back door. "Do you have a key? Oh, you can use teleportation, huh?" Said Chopper.
Law stretches his arm out. "Room" He says and creates a small circle around and he expands the circle to form the ROOM. He shambles Chopper and himself to teleport inside the building. "Do as we discussed." Law said to him and Chopper nods.

[Forever Discontinued] One Piece (Law) x fem! Keyblade-Wielder readerWhere stories live. Discover now