Chapter 1- Frenemies

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Chapter 1- Frenemies 

A man took fast paces along the sidelane in the busy traffic of the night. He covered his face with the hoodie veiling his shit scared face from the street lights. How is his boss going to react on his failure? He’s probably going to kill him. And this might be his last friggin night as a living person. He was sweating bullets as he walked around the street and reached the old alley. The corner of it had an abandoned factory. 

He pushed his thick saliva down his throat and walked towards the building. At the door he was greeted by his co members. Men picked up for their special talents like him. Professionals in silent killing, brutals murders, cleaning up trails, technos or masters of impostering.

He just passed them a small smile which didn’t quite reach his fear stricken eyes. He walked past them. Through the hallway, he reached the stairs. Just for a second he thought of running away rather than reporting his failure to his boss. But he knew his boss will hunt him down no matter where he would hide. There’s just no going back. Maybe he’ll get another chance.

Thinking all this, he reached the room. The doors behind which the fate of next 10 minutes of his life was written. Maybe he’ll live the 11th minute but he had huge doubts about it. He pushed open the door and entered the room.

There were 5 other co members of his circling his boss. His eyes landed on the intimidating man and noticed him looking in his direction. Immediately he dropped his eyes and waited for his turn while the others were reporting.

“ What about your assignment Jimmy?”

“ I’ve full schedule of my target Sir. Matt Richardson will be our next victim once Kent Stevens bits the dust.”, Jimmy reported proudly. And again the hoodie guy noticed his boss staring down his direction.

“ Which brings us  to you, Liam? I heard about that accident on the highway. But I didn’t hear Kent’s death flashing in the news channels.”, Liam flinched slowly taking a step back. This was the moment he was fearing the most.

“ Err... Sir, he survived it. I was sure he died in that accident. But apparently I was wrong. People had gathered on the highway so I had to make a run before anyone could see me.”

He felt his boss walking upto him. He could feel many eyes staring in his direction but he kept his stare glued to the floor. Even when his boss was standing right in front of him. 

“ Sir...Sir, I am sorry. This won’t happen again.”, Liam stuttered in his words. Fear building up inside of him. 

An ominous silence followed his pathetic apology. A drop of cold sweat ran down his heated fore head. The seconds ticked so loudly in his ears in accordance to the hammering of his heart. The pit in his stomach was getting deeper by the second. He just waited for the lashing out to come. But then he saw some moment. His eyes saw it all. His boss wasn’t the one to give second chances. Liam saw when his boss pulled out his gun and pointed it to his forehead. He wasn’t much surprised though. He was just plain scared of death like every one else. He closed his eyes and the next second ticked. Blank....

“ I don’t do forgiveness. And there are no 2nd chances here. I can’t afford any mistakes . We need to be absolute about our mission.” The man had turned around , his back towards the dead Liam shattered on the floor.

“ Jimmy, you do this assignment first. Matt Richardson gets to live a few more days. We need Kent dead!”

“ Right Sir!”

Driving through the familiar streets and crowded lanes of this city that has been his home since 26 years of his life. Kent sipped his coffee scooping through the news paper. Through his blue shades he peaked out of the window of his Rolls Royce Phantom. The shops opening up to a new day, people going to their offices and school kids to their learning institutes. Another day of his boring edgy life. 

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