Chapter 9- The Chinese Curse Part1

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Chapter 9 – The Chinese Curse Part1

*For this chapter I am referring to the second curse, MAY YOU GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR

“That’s the bet? Have you finally lost it?” Kent yelled but his voice almost came out panicky.

“Listen dude! I’ve my plan ready. But its going to be a two man’s job. I need you in this.” Sean barely spoke it as he dodged the ball Kent threw in his direction.

The practicing time of Kent for football had soon turned into a game of dodge ball when Sean revealed the ‘Bet’ to him.

“ And how is this bet going to help me with Irene?”, Kent asked trying to find an excuse to not get involved in this. That was a serious sh!t and there’s no way he’s going to get involved in this.

The lecture he got from his dad for that Locker room fight was still a fresh memory. That was the only reason why he was practicing this late on a Sunday evening. He wanted to get on the good side of his dad again. Although he knew it won’t really affect him.

“Stevens, I got into this bet because of you. I found out that Ir’s birthday is coming up. I told her that I have a very special gift for her.”

Kent frowned catching the ball Sean threw in his direction. “Her birthday? Really?” Now Sean had his undivided interested.

“Yeah. And as for the gift, I told her that I know a secret admirer of her and she would get a special present from him.”, Sean’s smug voice didn’t help the panic that suddenly shot up in Kent.

He dropped the ball. His eyes were wide open; his mouth felt a little dry from the nervousness.” You dumbhead! You told her about me! Are you friggin insane?”

He saw Sean frowning at him in confusion.” What? I thought that’s what you wanted. Sooner or later you have to meet her, right? What can be the perfect opportunity than her birthday?”

Kent closed his eyes trying to calm his hammering heart. But it was not working. Just the thought of meeting or talking to Irene was getting him on edge. Dammit, he wasn’t sure if he’d survive something like that without making a fool of himself. What if she was like other students? What if she was scared of him like the others were? What if she didn’t like him? The more he thought about it, the more he felt his heart beat rising.

“ Yeah, I guess that’s what I wanted.”, He mumbles slowly.

“ Well, you can get your spirits up buddy. She was pretty excited to hear that. She asked me if she already knew the guy. And I said yes.

Kent snapped up to look at Sean, "Dude, I really doubt if she knows me. She probably doesn’t even know of my existence.”

The change in Sean’s expressions was so fast Kent couldn’t even keep up with it. Confusion turning into shock, then going to amusement and finally cracking into laughter as he fell on the ground. He rolled on the grass clutching his stomach tight. Kent raised an eyebrow at him as he felt anger making its way in him.

He waited and waited but Sean never stopped. He was like that for a full 5 minutes. Kent couldn’t help but think how strong Sean’s stomach muscles were. His face had turned red.

“Alright! Stop douchebag!” Kent threw the ball again at Sean which he dodged again rolling on the grass.

Sean coughed up several times to limit his laughs. I...I am sorry but you are really a dumb schmuck Stevens. You think she doesn’t know you? God! That’s perfect!”

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