• S I X T E E N •

Start from the beginning

"Alright Abigail, what have you got?" Elijah mumbled, stepping out of that car as well for a quick stretch.

Soon the two of them were sitting in the backseat with the windows rolled down and the sound of ripping foil and cling film surrounded them. Occasionally a car or two would zoom past but that was it. Perfect place to commit murder.

"So, how's school so far? Apart from the fact that you're killing it on the team. Made new friends yet?" Abby asked, mouth full of an egg and cheese burrito.

"Actually yeah, well you know Ry and Jake. And then Jake's roommate came in, her name's Tirzah. She's pretty awesome, used to play basketball at her old school but now she's on the track team. Pretty cute too, if I were being honest."

"Tirzah is such a pretty name! She Jewish or something?"

"She's from Serbia, that much I can tell you. Also, since last week, we've been hanging out with a bunch of other kids. So the group's big now." Elijah added, as he bit into the spicy chicken sandwich.

"Tell me more."

"So there's Madilyn and Koovs, they're dating and in my art class. And there's Viggo and Arius. Viggo and Jake play soccer together, Arius is the one I got detained with."

"So that's the guy that's been harassing you!"

"No! It's more like, the other way round.for some reason I feel the constant need to piss him off all the time." Elijah laughed.

"You haven't told mum about detention right?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"I have, and to tell you the truth, that's the only reason she's calling you back home. I just didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry EJ." Abby said, looking dead serious as she stopped eating altogether.

"What the fuck Abby? I specifically told you not to! She's going to kill me, that woman is crazy! She literally had me uprooted from our town over to this dingy place miles away." Elijah shouted, putting his food down and banging his head on the front seat.

"Don't be so dramatic, you're coming back tomorrow." Abby said, making a move on Elijah's food as he slapped her hand away.

"Anyway, this Tirzah, she's pretty cute huh? Are y'all going out or something?"

Elijah choked on his water as he struggled to catch a breath, all while shooting Abby the most confused look.

"No! We're really good friends, I don't think of her that way." He said, as Abby patted his upped back.

"So no one's caught your fancy? You've been here a month already and I refuse to believe that Woodcreek-High-Jock-Extraordinaire, hasn't had a crush yet." Abby said, waggling her eyebrows.

"No, not yet. I've been focusing on my studies and shit. So no time for all of that bullshit."

"Alright, get in the front seat, we're continuing this conversation while I drive back home."

Elijah took the rest of his food to the front seat as Abby climbed in behind the wheel and started up the engine.

"Do I look like an idiot to you? You do well even without focusing and given that you have the attention span of a fucking goldfish, I'm not buying your shit. Spill, now!" Abby smirked, looking at Elijah directly as she sped off.

"Dude, please! Eyes on the road! I'm too young to die, my mum has just one son." Elijah clutched at the dashboard, terrified at Abby's antics.

"Fucking wuss."

"What about you? How's Ben?" It was Elijah's turn to smirk as Abby punched his thigh with her free hand.

"He's good! He's got a boyfriend now, they've been dating for two months. They're both so hot though!" Abby groaned.

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