" hi I'm Victoria I'm Sebastian's mate...I'm guessing your his sister Amanda..." i said laughing at her excitement.

" yea and this" she said bending down to pick up the little girl."is my daughter Stevie. I'm so happy he finally found his mate" she said excitedly.

" hi Stevie" i said waving to her. she giggled and waved back.

"i happy i found her too" Sebastian said wrapping his arms around me. i jumped at the sound of his voice, i hate when people sneak up on me -_- it scares the crap out of me. they all laughed at my reaction and i spun around and glared at Sebastian.

"i hate when you do that it freaks me out when people creep up on me like that"

he chuckled and pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry baby girl i didn't mean to scare you."

"its fine...just don't do it anymore"

he agreed and we sat down at the island and ate breakfast before going to school. the day went by pretty fast, me and Sebastian had all our classes together until 9th period when i had french and he had Spanish thankfully i had Mary and Rhiannon in that class with me so i wasn't alone. we spent most of the period ignoring the teacher and talking about cheer try outs that were after school turns out that they have a pretty weird captain system here, the point stunt group is always the captains there are 2 captains and 2 co-captains which means that even though it would be my first season i would still have a shot at being a captain. the bell rang and we grabbed our bags and walked out of the room. we agreed to meet up outside of the locker rooms and went to put our book away in our lockers and get our cheer bags. when i got to my locker Sebastian was leaning against it with Damian and Kris standing with him they were all talking about something and didnt notice me come up until i jumped on Damian and he screamed like a little girl. i laughed and jumped off his back.

"you guys are blocking my locker i need to get my cheer bag and meet the girls my the locker room...where are my sisters?'I asked looking at Damian and Kris.

"Taylor is at track tryouts" Damian replied.

"Allie ran into the bathroom like 2 seconds before you showed up she should be out soon' Kris said as my sister walked up behind him.

"I'm here" she said " whats up?"

" I'm going to try out for cheer you wanna come?" i asked.

"no I'm gonna go with the guys to watch football tryouts." she told me grabbing her bag off the floor and throwing it over her shoulder.

"OK well i have to go to cheer you guys wanna walk with me?"

"yea I'm sure Sam and max are over there and we need to meet them before we go to the field anyway" Damian said.

"OK lets go i don't wanna be late" i said closing my locker and throwing my cheer bag over my shoulder. Sebastian put his arm around my shoulders and we started walking down the hallway. when we got to the locker room i saw Mary and Rhiannon talking to max and Sam. we walked up to them and right away the guys started talking about football i guess they are just as excited about there tryouts as we were.

"hey guys this is my sister Allie," i said to Mary and Rhiannon. they introduced themselves and we all started talking about cheer tryouts. Allie may not be a cheerleader but she always comes to all of my games and competitions so she knows a lot about it. she loves it too she was just never really into doing it. after a few more minutes the guys and Allie left to go to the field and we went into the locker room to change. i quickly changed into a black Nike sports bra and pink Nike pros and put my nfinitys on and threw my bag into my gym locker. i turned to look at Rhiannon and Mary and they were both wearing the same thing as me except Mary's Nike pros where blue and Rhiannon's where purple. we walked out into the gym and saw all the other girls lining up to start running.

The alphas mate (book one)Where stories live. Discover now