"yeah, let's go to albania. shouldn't take more than an afternoon to search an entire country," ron said sarcastically.

"there can't be anything there. he'd already made five of his horcruxes before he went into exile, and dumbledore was certain the snake is the sixth. we know the snake's not in albania, it's usually with v-you-know-who," hermione glanced over at her girlfriend, making sure her little slip up didn't affect her in anyway.

"i can't see him hiding anything at borgin and burkes. borgin and burkes were experts in dark objects, they would've recognized a horcrux straight away. i still reckon he might have hidden something at hogwarts."

"but dumbledore would have found it," phoebe sighed.

"he told me he never assumed he knew all of hogwarts' secrets. im telling, if there was one place you-know-who would hide something, it would be hogwarts! it's important to him."

"oh, come on. his school?"

"yeah, his school! it was his first real home, the place that meant he was special, it meant everything to him, and even after he left-"

"this is you-know-who we're talking about, right? not you?" ron enquired, fidgeting with the chain around his neck.

"you told us that you-know-who asked dumbledore to give him a job after he left."

"that's right."

"and dumbledore thought he only wanted to come back to try and find something, probably another founder's object, to make into another horcrux?"


"but he didn't get the job, did he? so he never got the chance to find a founder's object there and hide it in the school!"

"ok, then. forget hogwarts."


after a dead end at the orphanage, the five continued through the countryside, stopping at a different place every night, and wiping away all signs that they were there in the morning. days turned into weeks, and summer soon turned to autumn.

one night, when ron and hermione were arguing once more about the food, the other three heard voices, quickly making sure they couldn't be seen or heard before making any movement.

as soon as maddy recognized ted tonks' voice, she had to resist the urge to run out and hug him. they had met on various occasions, and the tonks' soon became like a second family to her.

you wouldn't really be surprised when the only family member madison considers family was phoebe.

but anyways, the other voices belonged to dean thomas, dirk, griphook and gornuk.

they learned a bunch of new information, including how ginny gathered some friends to steal the sword in snape's office, which he then proceeded to send to gringotts for safety keeping.

but the sword of gryffindor at gringotts was a fake. a copy, made by a wizard.

before the group left, ted mentioned something about dora being worried sick and so stressed that they had her take potions, which were good for not only herself, but the baby.

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