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you know harry potter as the boy who lived.

but do you know the girl who lived? her story? who she is?

madison taylor, also known as madison weasley, is a girl, who's been through too much for her age.

this has caused her to be broken.

yes, even she'll admit it.

she lost her parents.

bonnie and jacob taylor, gone.


killed by he who shall not be named.

hagrid dropped her off at the house of someone who they knew would take good care of her the night everything went wrong.

that person was molly weasley.

the weasley's instantly took her in, treating her like their own.

she witnessed her parents die. she sat by their lifeless bodies once the bad guy left. hagrid had to wait hours for her to actually move.

a baby, frozen in shock. she wasn't aware of what happened but at the same time she was.

she was smart for her age.

she got all her tears out that night.

watching your parents die really does something to you. madison has this act, and she doesn't let anyone in, afraid that the same thing will happen.

she's alone.

yes, she has the family of red-heads, but she only really talks to ron, and that's mostly because they're the same age.

maddy used to be one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. now, she's like the girl version of draco, except she's actually tolerable.

she's aware of boundaries.

but just like the malfoy, all she needs is someone.

someone who'll bring out the real smile.

someone who'll help change her for the better

and not on purpose.

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