"Silvanna-san?" I smiled when I heard that voice. It's Shinpachi's! They found me!

"Shin...pa...chi," I said while still catching my breath. I wiped the sweat on my face.

"Do you want some water?" he asked.

"Yes... Please... Thank you..." Hachirou approached the store nearby and bought me a drink. I gulped on it.

"What happened, Silvanna-san? It looks so bad," asked Shinpachi.

"For sure, she just came across to--" before Gintoki could even say something that sound so idiotic, I already shot him a glare.


"A pastry shop. ʼCoz if I come across a pasty shop that sells delicious and mouth-watering sweets, I'll be breathless," he said. I rolled my eyes on him and ignored what he said.

"It's about the old lady," I said.

"You're with her? Where is she?" asked Gintoki.

"I was with her, not until some of Kotarou's men attacked us. I was so occupied with fighting that I didn't realize she was abducted. I apologize for my incompetence. Kindly allow me to bear all of the responsibilities if something bad happened to her," I said. "I'll accept any punishment you would inflict on me for my negligence."

"Whoa! Now you talk like a real knight aru!" My eyebrows furrowed to Kagura. Was I not talking to them like a knight before?

"Kagura-chan, it's not the time to talk about that. It's really not necessary for her to talk like a knight when she's with us." Was I not really talking in a knightly manner before?

"Where's the ol' Ma now?" asked Gintoki.

"I don't know. I don't have any idea," I said.

"I think I have," Hachirou-san said.


"Wait, what?" I exclaimed when Shinpachi explained to me everything. Hachirou isn't the old lady's son. It's Kyouchirou. We were misled by the picture and the name he has. He even added that Hachirou used to be a she. "What surgery did she undergo? I thought it was plastic surgery? Was it Gender Affirmation Surgery? But no, no, no. It's impossible that it will end up on something like that. It's black magic! The surgeon cursed him!"

"Oi, if you want to sound like a knight, you should talk less often!" I turned to Gintoki.

I stopped walking. They noticed what I did and also stopped.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Shinpachi.

"I told you to stop talking, not stop walking," Gintoki shouted.

"Hey, I'm not deaf!" I shouted back at him. "I can hear you well. Do not shout at me!"

"Oh? Then you should stop talk--" before he could even finish his sentence, I already kicked him and sent him to the ground.

"What did you say? Stop you from talking, right? There! No need to thank me, you're welcome!" I shouted and started walking once again.

After that fight, we proceeded to save the old lady.


"This! Cook those pumpkins with sugar and alcohol before eating them!" the old lady asked. She was on the doorframe already and was about to take her leave.

"You're annoying! How many times are you going to repeat the same thing?!" Gintoki shouted once again. Just where did this man grow up? Did he grow up in the mountains to act like this? He doesn't even have a slightest fastidiousness on his body.

"Keep your voice down, you only know how to pick fights!" said the old lady. "This! Don't overcook this or it will be wasted! Smashed! Watch the fire!"

"You're annoying! How many times are you going to repeat the same thing?!"

"This! Chew your food properly!"

"You're annoying! How many times are you going to repeat the same thing?!" I hit Gintoki's head when he said those exact words for the nth time.

"This is the first time! Don't try to fool me," the old lady said. "Well then, I'm leaving now. But when I go, remember to lock the door properly! It has been dangerous lately!"

"You're annoying! It's okay so hurry up and leave!"

"Bye, old woman. Sleep well!" said Kagura.

"Same to you, damn brat! Then... Bye now."

"Sorry for not helping you in the end," said Shinpachi.

"What are you saying? You've united us, haven't you?" she said and a smile formed on her lips.

An image flashed in my mind. It was my mom's heartwarming smile even though she's bedridden and both physically and mentally exhausted. I closed my eyes to refrain the tears from flowing down.

I miss them.

"Silvanna-san, are you okay?" asked Shinpachi.

"Yes, I'm okay. Thanks for asking," I said.

"Finally the nagging lady is gone. Now I understand that mother just nags a lot," said Gintoki.

"That's right."

"It's because they only want what they think will be the best for their children. Even though it's annoying and we don't really want it," I said.

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