Abruptly, he pulls the airpod off and places it on the table. Then without a word, he returns back to his meal.

When they have returned to their dressing room and are once again seated before the mirror to get ready for their night scenes, Mimi prods him.

"Did you ask him? Yet?" she whispers.

"No," he almost groans. "We've been busy all day and so is he."

"That's good," she says. "It's great that you haven't asked him yet."

"What do you mean?" he asks, making sure not to mention Wang Yibo's name as he is well aware of the hair stylist currently fixing his hair.

"When you ask him later on, please don't mention my name, in case there's a backlash. He has a .... tendency to be quite brutal." She laughs. "So just ask him first if he would be interested in... that." She is also aware of the stylists's ears. "If he says yes, then you can go ahead to tell him about me if it is necessary. What do you think?"

Xiao Zhan sighs. He truly wants to stop thinking about her and about Yibo.

"Sounds good," he says and turns away.


On his way back to his hotel that night, he receives a message from Yibo.

He is so surprised by it, that even through Nini is briefing him on his schedule and brand obligations for the week, he immediately tunes her out and checks the message.

"Have you met Qi Rong?" he asks.

At this, Xiao Zhan feels his skin tickle with excitement so he instantly responds.

"I don't know who Qi Rong is. I'm still in the part when Xie Lian goes to the ghost city with the other officials."

He puts the phone away after this, and returns his gaze to Nini only to meet her glaring at him.

It is nighttime so he can't clearly make out her face, but he can however clearly make out her the suspicion in her eyes.

"Are you dating someone?" she asks.

He is so taken aback by the question, that he just stares at her. After he recovers, he just frowns and looks away.

"Xiao Zhan, answer me," she says.

"What if I am?" he asks quietly, as he stares outside the window. " I'm not allowed to have someone special in my life too?"

To this she doesn't respond, for a long time.

Eventually she speaks. "I know that you understand this more than anyone, but it seems like you just need to hear it again. You can have love in your life but because of who you are, you just have to be a bit more careful about it. I didn't ask you that question to attack you, but because I want to be sure that at all times, I am aware of what's going on. That way I can protect you and ensure that nothing blows up or gets out of hand.

"I know," he replies without turning back to face her. "And no, I'm not dating anyone."


A few days later, and after an endless barrage of sad looks from Mimi at his delay, and more clips of Yibo being either absolutely cold to the people and things that he has no interest in, or quite the opposite and allowing every emotion and delight to show on his face for the things he does care for, Xiao Zhan finally works up the courage to send Yibo the message.

Winter Wind (YiZhan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن