"Mad man." Li Ping curses, while Xiao Zhan frowns, trying not to show how important this question is to him. "I'm serious," he insists.

"And so am I," Xiao Wu says. "Anyone can... blow someone for a variety of reasons, but if they then tell you that they did it "as their heart', then what question are you asking? They love you. They are in love with you. No matter how many ways you slice a potato, when you put it in deep oil the result is the same."

"I disagree with that," Li Ping raises his hand. "Uncle four's fries from Hefang street- that's still the best fries that I've had in China. Not all potatoes are fried equally."

To this, Xiao Zhan cracks a smile and it is just what he needs to calm the increased flood of emotion into his gut.

He's feeling again.... too much, and too deeply, and tonight of all nights, he doesn't want to afford it. It is his birthday and he is celebrating it with his family and friends, and he truly wants to enjoy it, angst free.

"Xiao Zhan, who are these characters ?" Li Ping suddenly asks, and Xiao Wu tosses a piece of dried squid at him. "He can't tell you that," he gripes vindictively, and Li Ping brushes the squid off his jacket.

"I'm not saying that he should tell me their names. I'm just asking who they are. Like are they both male, or is this between a man and a woman?"

Xiao Zhan is a bit startled by this line of questioning. "Why would you ask that?"

"What are you, the Cyberspace Administration? Why can't I ask this? Is homosexuality still an underground conversation?"

"That's true Xiao Zhan," Xiao Wu laughs. "Why are you startled by this? Especially since you acted in 'the untamed."

"Ah," Li Ping teases. "I forgot for a moment that we have Wei Wuxian in our midst- the godmaster of blowjobs and using the hilt of swords as dild-"

Xiao Zhan nearly kicks his chair out from underneath him, glancing back to see if his mother is at the kitchen window that is right behind them.

"Mad man," he curses as Li Ping struggles to stable his wobbly camping chair, much to Xiao Wu's unrestrained amusement.

"I still can't believe you read those extras," Xiao Wu manages to say.

"Of course I did," Li Ping says as finally stables himself. "Those were the best parts of the entire book."

"Shut it!" Xiao Zhan snarls at them, and looks back again but this time through the sliding doors. As a result, he is just in time to see to see Nini and his friend Mei Li head towards the dining table with two platters of food in their hands.

"Don't worry Xiao Zhan," Li Ping adds." Your parents have absolutely no idea of what 'Mo Dao Zu Shi' is. They only know 'The Untamed' so you're safe."

"Calm down," Xiao Wu laughs. "We know you're not Wei wuxian."

Xiao Zhan settles back into his chair and drains his bottle of beer.

"Anyway as I was saying," Li Ping continues. "If we know the gender of these characters, then we can better put things into context."

"Why does it matter?" Xiao Zhan asks.

"Well it's kind of normal for a girl to give a guy a blow job. The reverse on the other hand -"

"It's normal if they're both gay," Xiao Zhan interrupts.

"Well yeah, but are they?" Li Ping says. "If they are, then why are you asking this question?"

"He's right Xiao Zhan," Xiao Wu agrees. "It's kind of a dumb question. What's so difficult for you to understand about it?"

He sighs and reaches forward to grab another bottle of beer. He thinks for a moment and then he says this. "They're not gay, and they are guys."

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now