For the first few moments he is stunned, but then he quickly dives for the device and resumes the video.

The two other dancers feel him up and Yibo's expression to the seductive and brain-glitching routine is coy. Then he turns stoic once more, and breakdances the choreographed finale.

The music halts... and the audience explodes into roars.

Yibo is anything but calm, afterwards. Xiao Zhan watches as the excitement of the routine's execution overwhelms the boy, and he bursts out into another quick celebratory routine of his own. His legs are spread out, his hips are once again fucking thrusting, his hands fisting into the air in triumph and his teeth biting into his lips.

Xiao Zhan's entire pelvic region goes numb, so at the complaint from his now weakened knees, he lowers to the floor.

And plays the video again. And again.

Where is this? When was this?

Yibo's hair is dark and cropped... quite the stark difference from the floppy brown he had sported during his barrage to the apartment two weeks earlier.

His heart sinks as he considers that he now has to go on Weibo to find out where this is from.

But he cannot. He refuses to.

So he tosses the phone on the carpet and lies down because quite frankly, he needs to recover.

He is hard, more aroused than he has been in so long and at the reminder of the boy and his passionate outburst at him, Xiao Zhan's veins are set on fire.

Eventually, he cannot take it anymore so he opens up WeChat and responds to Nini for the first time in a month.

He however ignores the previously unanswered twenty-something messages she had sent him and asks about Yibo.

"Is he filming some sort of dance show right now?"

Her response is immediate.

"Am I hallucinating? And are you seriously asking me about Wang Yibo right now?"

"Please just respond," he says. "I'll address our other matters after this one."

A minute passes before she agrees to heed his request, and Xiao Zhan can almost picture the dark scowl that will most definitely now be on her face.

"Yes!" she replies. "Street Dance of China. He has been filming it for a few months now and the episodes are currently airing."

Xiao Zhan had no clue.

"Ah," he responds. "I didn't know."

"How is that possible? The videos top the hot search list every day."

"You know I don't go on Weibo."

"Then how did you find out? About his motorcycle racing crash? You haven't been watching television either."

Xiao Zhan sighs. "My mom called me. She saw it on the news and wanted to find out if he was alright."

"Oh," she replies, and Xiao Zhan once again puts the phone away.

However, his mind can no longer find peace.

With every moment that passes, he is being consumed. The warmth from his now heated blood is penetrating and illuminating every corner of his soul that had been previously shrouded in gloom and darkness.

That dance, had been breathtaking. And Yibo had been...


Xiao Zhan has seen Yibo dance before. Countless times. However, the previous performances although impressive, have always seemed sort of mechanic. The skill was undoubtedly there and the technique- flawless, however this time around, Yibo had performed from a new depth.

It was as though he had moved not from the memory of a learned routine, but from being so overtaken by the music that he had relinquished total control of his body to whatever movements it chose to conjure.

Thus his dancing had been sensual, uninhibited, and playful. Like he had been enjoying the fuck out of himself and wouldn't have chosen any other place in the world to be at that moment.

Xiao Zhan feels... envious.

Not because he hasn't been this engrossed with his work before, but because he cannot remember the last time that it has been the case. Where he thoroughly and completely abandoned himself to the art and his enjoyment of it.

A heavy sigh thunders through him, and once again things all around him begin to feel bleak.

He is however still hard, and this fire he knows is not going to go out as easily.

His hand slips past the drawstring of his pants, and at the realization of what he is about to do, he cannot help but feel slightly deranged. However, he knows that he will not stop himself because a small part of him welcomes it. The small part that although he has refused to acknowledge, is still warmed at Yibo's confession to him a fortnight earlier.

'I want you'... his voice replays in his head, husky and heavy with longing.

"Fuck," Xiao Zhan breathes, as his hand comes to rest on the solid length. He shuts his eyes and although he tries to think of something else, the current subject of his attraction appears vividly in his mind.

Yibo's arresting gaze, as honest as it is ruffling. His quiet and almost detached demeanor in the way he relates to the world, but yet his almost childlike abandonment and excitement when he comes in contact with the very few things and people that are able to ignite a flame inside of him.

Xiao Zhan wants all of that passion that he has just witnessed unleashed on him. And inside of him.

He swallows hard as his hold around his cock tightens, and the pace of his stroking increases.

His lips part as an outlet for the burn in his chest, while his body becomes restless on the floor.

Soon, begins to lose coherence, the windings of molten lust dissolving into his bloodstream and leaking out through his pores.

"Yibo," he hears himself gasp as if from a distance.

The boy's smile... and laughter comes to mind, and Xiao Zhan's entire body jerks violently.

He pumps harder, his sole focus now on the long-overdue release. He doesn't want to remain in this state for even a second longer because it feels as though he is being slowly eaten alive.

"Yibo!" he calls out again, as his fisting turns frantic.

He struggles to catch his breath as his feet begins to stretch and twist, his head moving restlessly from side to side.

With a guttural groan, he comes, the thick stream of pleasure exiting his body with a violent burst.

"Fuck!" he growls into the quiet space, his inhale and exhale borderline neurotic as his body struggles to return to normal.

He continues to milk the damp length, his heartbeat thundering in his ears, and it is a very long while afterwards before he is able to open his eyes.

The entire skyline has now gone completely dark when it was lit up earlier with beautiful, red, and golden hues.

Then he had been completely disinterested, but now he wishes that he can see it again.

His mind goes to Yibo.

He also wishes that he can see him... too.

"Fuck," he swears again.

Trouble, just as he had predicted.

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now