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jeongin shut the door softly as to not disturb the neighbors

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jeongin shut the door softly as to not disturb the neighbors. he turned around and stretched a bit, his beige shirt rising up, exposing his defined abs. seungmin had walked straight to his side of the room, not saying much to his roommate besides a hello.

" busy day?" jeongin questioned as he closely eyed the way his hyung was acting. he noticed how seungmin could not remain in one spot no matter how hard he tried. seungmin flinched slightly as he heard a voice ring through his ears. he looked up to face jeongin, his facial features relaxing as he did so.

he smiles half-heartedly at him. " yeah, I guess you can say that,". he moves around his bed, walking over to his nightstand where he the placed his keys on a small tray near his lamp. jeongin nodded, not really knowing what to say after that.

he decided to speak up once again before seungmin interrupted him. " jeongin?". he looked up at him, his eyes reading his face carefully.

" what's up, seungmin hyung?".

seungmin slowly made his way towards the sharp-eyed boy. he sat down near him as he crossed his legs. " I want to apologize," he simply put. jeongin stared at the other, confuzzled. why would he feel the need to apologize.

" may I ask why?" jeongin replied, not getting the memo whatsoever. seungmin sighed before explaining himself better.

" because I was with hyunjin hyung, and I kept holding his hand," seungmin confessed as he felt his heart ache a bit." you told me you liked him. i need to learn to keep my distance from him,". jeongin took a few seconds to understand, leaving the pair in complete silence for a bit.

oh. oh! right.

" hyung, i told you i like him. that doesn't necessarily mean i own him. do as you please. if i come to date him, then you can worry," jeongin playfully said as he nudged his shoulder against seungmin's.

seungmin felt a slight weight lift off from his shoulders yet he still felt like something was off. he couldn't exactly pinpoint what that was.

" are you sure? i coul- " " hyung! i said don't worry. he's your friend just as much as he's mine. It's not fair to take him away from you if he's nothing special to me yet. it. is. o.k, okay?". seungmin bit the side of his cheek before he nodded.

" okay fine, fair enough," jeongin laughed at him, flashing his beautiful dimples. seungmin huffed. " shush, go do your laundry now, it stinks in here," seungmin commanded as he glared at the younger.

" yes, hyung!,".


" your ass is flat anyway," minho yelled as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. jisung smirked and cracked his neck. " that's not what you said last night",. minho and changbin both gasped loudly, not expecting that whatsoever.

minho got up and smacked his boyfriend's head. " you can't say shit like that, sung,". changbin stood there, staring, uncomfortable by the energy created in the room.

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