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a sound a jiggling keys could be heard before a door swung open

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a sound a jiggling keys could be heard before a door swung open. hyunjin cautiously entered, observing the room carefully.

his face immediately scrunched up. he pinched his nose due to a foul smell circulating the area.

" what the fuck is that smell?," he gagged unintentionally.

seungmin thought carefully before realizing what he was talking about.

" smell of dog sweat and shit?," he asked.

hyunjin rapidly nodded his head, deciding to poke it right back out into the hallway for a second.

" oh yeah! that's jeongin's dirty laundry over there," seungmin commented, unfazed by the smell. he looked around his messy desk and inside his drawers before he had found was he was looking for.

seungmin nudged hyunjin slightly before pushing his hand in front of his face.

" here, I have some spare masks, take this one," he offered as hyunjin happily removed it from his grasp.

" thanks," he tried his best to say as he placed the fabric onto his face.

seungmin went back to his nightstand which held his pill compartment. he pulled one out before grabbing the bottle of water he purchased from the cafeteria earlier.

In one swift move, he swallowed the pill before wiping his mouth of any lingering water.

" hm, all better now," he placed the bottle back into his bag before plopping himself back onto his bed.

" alright now that we've gotten the important part out the way, where are the photo books?" hyunjin asked eagerly, hopping onto the bed with seungmin.

the younger got back up as he went to search his closet where he kept said books locked away safely.

jeongin often liked to searched through his things when he was bored, so he made sure the boy wouldn't get a hold of his precious photos.

he quickly grabbed them and jumped back onto the bed. there laid a red, hard covered photo book that held his older collections while the dark blue one next to it kept his newer additions safe.

hyunjin carefully observed them before immediately grabbing the blue one.

" this one seems interesting," he mumbled as he slowly opens the book.

" alright, since I have a feeling this might take a while, I'm just going to lay down a bit," seungmin mumbled as his eyes grew heavy. he laid back down as they slowly fell shut.

hyunjin took this as an opportunity to steal the photos that he absolutely hated.

seungmin had a huge passion for photography , and so he often documented a lot of the things their friend group did, even the embarrassing moments.

he carefully flipped the pages wrapped in plastic, making sure that he wouldn't make too much noise in order to avoid waking up his seungmin.

as he skipped past the pages, images of felix, chan, minho and jisung all demonstrated themselves, full of colors.

there was also one of hyunjin posing with paint scattered all over him from their high school days and stupid art projects they'd often have. he found it odd that it had been placed in the blue book, but nonetheless he continued on his way.

there he spotted the other guys, changbin making funny faces, and jeongin jumping over stools in class. as he flipped the page, the sequence continued on as it showed jeongin in the nurses office with a broken pinkie.

he silently giggled as he saw it.

seungmin started to stir in his sleep which immediately shut hyunjin up.

" gotta be quiet," he reminded himself.

his fingers slightly graced over every page, taking in the beautiful pieces of work that his min created. he never failed to impress him with his beautiful outlook at life.

once he flipped through the last few pages, his eyebrows slowly met together.

" these photos-," he spoke to himself.

" he never told me?,".

in front of hyunjin was a page full of images from when the pair were working late at night.

they were of him.

the brightness from the computer lit up his facial features, capturing his dimples perfectly whenever he laughed at something seungmin said.

but he never told him he took photos that night.

he continued to flip through the pages, seeing series of photos of himself, without his knowledge.

" why does seungmin take so many photos of me?,".

" maybe he- no, hyunjin that's impossible, don't think like that," the boy scolded himself for having such thoughts.

still, he couldn't help but feel a bit excited inside. this could possibly mean something for their relationship but hyunjin didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

seungmin never truly expressed his feelings for anyone in general. he's always a difficult one to read and so hyunjin never sensed any true signs of the boy returning his feelings but maybe this is a sign at last.

he happily observed the rest of the pages until something odd caught his eye once again.

there had been an image hidden behind a different photo of hyunjin, and it bordered it with its dark colors.

curiosity taking over hyunjin, he sneakily removed it from its place, assuming that it was just another photo of him.

but he was wrong.

" this? this isn't me?," hyunjin whispered, feeling his heart in his throat.


the camera captured the younger, smiling widely with hickeys scattered all over his collarbones. this felt wrong.

seungmin never let anyone use his camera, ever. but who else could've taken these?

"seungmin likes jeongin?," without realizing, pools of tears started to develop in his eyes, slowly gliding onto his eyelashes and cheeks.

he shut the book, and wiped his tears away.

he didn't want to look at them anymore.

Beauty and His Camera | SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now