chapter two

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𝗉𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌

it was a sunday. you could imagine how i felt, wanting to have this last day of freedom before the five days of school starts tearing away at my brain.

i didn't like going out much but once every month i like to get myself in some trouble. i always found myself in mischievous acts almost as if i were a child doing something i wasn't supposed to do, except i do it on purpose.

i was impulsive and i knew that anyone who dared to join me would end up either emotionally or physically screwed. i hurt people to avoid hurting myself and i tend to take pride in that. most of the time it's completely unintentional but in the end i never feel regret.


i decided that i wanted to be alone on this fine night. nothing brought me happiness than drinking on my own.

there was a lovely bar near the city. it wasn't too far from home so i decided to drive there before it got too dark out.

the bar was full of people of different backgrounds. it was nice to see people that weren't only straight and white. (no offense to straight white folks). me being hispanic and on the white passing side, made me feel rather privileged. it granted me an advantage to take care of those who weren't.               

i sat alone at the bar, downing a piña colada. it's been my favorite since i was a kid. my dad would make me a virgin one whilst i pretended that it did in fact have alcohol in it and when my mom would get home it felt like she had caught me with my hand in the cookie jar that i wasn't allowed to touch.

the bar was rather dark, only the flashing lights on the dance floor were flickering. it was impossible to get wasted on only piña colada's but i didn't want to get drunk tonight. the taste of it on my lips was enough for me to wallow in a wave of sad memories.

the bartender kept eyeing me so it would be rather rude of me to decline her lust.

she dropped off my check. "i'm off in two", she said with a smirk.

i put my money on the counter and waited for her shift to be over, my leg bouncing up and down from the cold state my skin seems to always stay in.

i hated it. i could never keep anyone warm and it made me furious. not even my skin would let people stay.

the bartender was a blonde. not my type but i don't discriminate. i love everyone who's a woman, isn't racist, is a feminist and to add a little bit of spice, straight. you're kidding yourself if you think there's not a little bit of gay in everyone.

we left the bar and as we made my way back to my truck, i pulled her into an ally and kissed her. her warm skin made mine warm, making me want her more.

my lips touched hers until my hands were warm enough to touch her bare skin. her leg propped itself up around my hips, leaving her other on the floor, giving my fingers permission to enter her.

"do you want me in you or not?"

i waited for her verbal consent. she moaned and was about to say yes but she was cut off by a man yelling obscenities to a woman.

i let go of her as we watched a man across the street attempting to grope a woman who was trying to get by.

i watched to make sure he wouldn't lay a hand on her.

"come here", he said to her while he grabbed her from behind.

he held his dick through his pants and held her in front of him in a sexual position.

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