chaptee four

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it was an early morning and i, like other people who were forced to attend school or institutions alike, were extremely tired. regardless if we had slept in early the night before or not, we would've still awoken with dark bags under our eyes.

it was absurd, really. the things we learn won't be useful in the real world contrary to what they had told us growing up. we were being programmed to sit behind a desk and work all of our lives and i was determined to avoid such brain washing.

the reality of it was that i had no other option. yes, with my grandpa's wealth i would be able to work whatever job i want but i don't want to cheat life. i may be selfish but i won't be buying myself a successful life with the thought that others who have worked from a single cent may be deprived from it.

when i stepped out of my candle lit house, i felt a breeze wisp it's way through my clothes. the leather jacket i always wore had to heat up with my body temperature and sometimes it would leave me with my skin cold as ice.

my black 1969 chevrolet c10 pickup truck was awaiting me on the driveway. it had been a birthday present from my grandpa. on my 16th birthday it appeared in the garage with a letter on the dashboard. i happily took it as i was at an age where i needed a vehicle to get me around town.

i turned on the heat warmers so i would be warm by the time i arrived at school. the car ride there was always calm. the pine trees walled up on the side of the road looked like something out of a movie. for that, i always loved the way to and from school.

i parked in my assigned lot and threw my black jan-sport backpack strap over my shoulder. i watched as the horny teenagers ravaged over each other to get to their final destination. my eyes scanned the parking lot until they fell onto blair. i didn't drink any caffeine and the closest i could get to that was her.

"morning, bear."

that was the name i'd call her because she's huge on cuddling.

blair wrapped her arm around my waist as my right arm went around her neck, pulling her in towards me, forgetting about my swollen cut. i winced as soft as i could. "morning", she said smiling at me.

we walked through the crowd of anxious teenagers and made our way to the front office to collect our class schedules. i was praying i would get decent teachers. nowadays some have accepted their role into society norms and have given up teaching as a whole.

"ms. amador. we're delighted to see you again this year" , the front desk lady said with a fake smile on her face.

"i knew you'd miss me."

the front desk lady, ms.osborn thought i was wretched. i always turned up in her office and personally, she'd have a lot more fun if she made an effort to really get to know me.

she handed us our schedules and we finally made our way out of the office.

"do we have any classes together?", i read over my schedule and looked at hers at the same time. "guess we only have one together, p.e."

she groaned at the thought of having p.e. she wasn't interested in sports, only in things like fashion and things your stereotypical american white girl would take an interest in.

the bell rung and so we parted ways and throughout the halls i could hear whispers of a new teacher. "have you seen the new english teacher? she's a dime." a boy bragged to his friends.

i walked to my first class and the teacher was nowhere in sight. i sat in the very back waiting for someone i know to walk through those doors. finally, dallas walked in and i couldn't be more relieved.

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