Chapter 12: Adjusting

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Dear Tenten,

I hope this message reaches you well, though I hold little doubt since my last one did. Thank you for your kind words regarding my mother. Though it pains me to think about it I try my best to remember the good times.

Kira paused, her pencil stilling on the paper in thought. Glancing to her right, she looked at the picture of her family from years ago that lay a mere foot from her on the desk. Kira found herself wishing she'd taken the time to get more photos taken with her mother, or more photos in general. Now, this single image and the few mementoes she'd taken from her old home were all that she had left of the woman that had raised her.

The young ANBU sat at her desk in the room that was now completely unpack as of two days ago. It was a lot larger then the room she'd had before and the rather small amount of decor held within it made it look more like a hotel room then one used by the same person every day.

Maybe Temari had a point.

Kira bit at her lip glancing outside, the large window giving her a good view of the night sky. The moon was high; showing how late it was, yet Kira couldn't sleep. Her mind raced in too many directions and so, knowing she would have a busy day ahead of her, she took the time to write back to her friend in Konoha before too much time had passed.

Looking back down, she moved her hand to write again, feeling as though she could truly write what she wanted to the weapon user. The girl had become someone she could truly confide in.

There is a part of me that is glad for her passing, since my mother lived through two wars before this one and I'm not sure what another would have done to her. She would have worried, that much I know, because I would be in the middle of it. I still can't quiet wrap my head around it. The Fourth Great Ninja War. It is bound to be different than the others, given our alliance, but I will admit I'm unsure of what is to come.

What do you think?

How is the rest of your team doing? I feel like I never really got to thank them for everything before. I hope we can see each other again soon, before the war.

A sigh escaped her mouth and Kira shook her head, setting the pencil down. So much about her life had been thrown upside down upon returning from her mission. The absence of her mother, a new home, new job and then tension of an approaching war being most of it.

The gentle rapping of knuckles on wood drew her gaze to her door. She hadn't closed it, preferring to do so only when she slept or changed. In the doorframe, hand still raised to rest on part of it, stood the only other person crazy enough to be up at such a late hour.

"Oh, hey Gaara," she greeted, giving him a small, tentative smile. She had trouble really smiling lately. There had been so many changes, and so many upsets Kira had a hard time finding much to smile about.

"You're up late again," he noted, nodding to the window as if to back up his statement. Kira raised her eyebrows, giving him a look that clearly said 'you're one to talk'. He might have had an excuse but Kira still found it funny what he would comment on such a thing.

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