1. Grown Up

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"I'm sitting here with the BTS, four years after their disbandment! Welcome, guys!"

It's been four years.

"Hi! We're so glad to be here!"

I've missed you.

"How've you been?" The reporter asks, shaking hands with each man as they file into the small studio. The reporter looks around their age, tall, and wears a wedding band around his ring finger. You pick up on the little details as you study all the aspects of each person. Even the navy blue walls in the background that look to be freshly painted.

"Good!" They each answer.

The coffee machine makes a strange noise when you take the pot off of it, and you give it a strange look.

You pause the interview you had been watching on YouTube, investigating the machine. After smacking it a few times, you decide it's working again.

"I trust you're all doing well?"

They look between each other, coming together to nod in agreement.

You look at each of their faces.

I can't believe Jin's birthday just passed a few months ago.

"Jin, you just turned 38 a little while ago, right?"

Holy shit they're reading my mind.

"Ah, yes! I did. I can't believe how old I'm getting," he laughs, the squeaky sound music to your ears.

It's been so long.

"So, how're your families?"

"Um, well, as you know, we haven't really dated anyone in the past few years," Namjoon laughs awkwardly, his usual smile lighting up the room.

"My little boy is turning 5 in a week, though!" Yoongi pipes up excitedly.

Yoongi, the only one to have had a significant other out of all of them, has a little boy. Yoongi ended up getting his long time girlfriend, Arin, pregnant, but during childbirth, she ended up passing away. A tragic story, but his little boy is growing up so fast. Though everyone knows Yoongi is used to the spotlight, he doesn't want his son to be exposed at such a young age, so up to this point, no one knows exactly what his son looks like.

"Oh, how exciting, Yoongi! I've seen pictures of him and he is one handsome little man!" The reporter congratulates, Yoongi beaming at the thought of his little one. The reporter chooses not to bring up Arin. "And to the rest of you, what a shame! I'm sure most people would jump at the chance to date the members of BTS!"

"Haha, yeah right! We're just a bunch of old dudes now!" Hoseok laughs, waving his hand in dismissal.

"No, no! You're all still just as handsome and brilliant as you were 10 years ago, it's just that time has flown by."

Time really has flown by. They've grown up. You've grown up.

You're a grown woman with adult problems, one of which being your job.

The job you're supposed to be getting ready for, not watching an interview over some of your favorite people in the world.

"Sorry, boys, you'll just have to wait." You pause the week old interview, something you were just now catching up on.

Changing from your pajama bottoms and white t-shirt, you button up a white long sleeve, put a black blazer over it, and slip on some black slacks. Lastly, you slip on a pair of work heels, looking over your outfit one more time in the mirror.

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