3. Magic Shopped

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Sipping on your cup of soda, you try not to get any of the face paint in your drink.

"So, Y/N..." Yerum comes running up to you. "Do you like your face painting?"

"I... love it!" You try to say enthusiastically.

"I know, me too!" He says, licking his ice cream.

Just then, your phone starts to buzz. You pluck it out of your pocket, reading the caller ID.

Lim Junrin

"Oh no."

"What happened, Y/N?" Yerum looks worried, and you kind of feel bad.

"Hey, Yerum, can you lead me to some place private? My brother is calling me."

"Oh, he must be calling to wish you a happy birthday!" Yerum concludes. "Here come with me."

You don't correct him, just follow as he leads you upstairs.

On the second floor, he leads you to double doors, opening them for you to enter. He lets you step in before closing the doors behind you.

     You pick up, putting the phone on speaker.


     "Hello, Junrin." You already feel unsettled by his tone of voice.

     "Why are you speaking to my family?" He snaps, getting to the point.

     "Okay, first of all-"

     "No, you don't get to speak to me like that, you greedy slut."

     Outside the two doors, Yerum listens intently, but flinches at the use of such a bad word.

     His Daddy taught him that there are good words and that there are very bad, naughty words that he mustn't say. And he just heard your brother call you one. One that a man should never call a woman.

     Frightened for you, he runs downstairs, tears brimming in his eyes.

     As stands on the landing, he feels his tears escape his eyes, but still, he searches. Searches for someone to protect you.

     His eyes land on Hoseok and Jungkook conversing, the two of them laughing.

     He runs up to them, teary eyes and snot running down his mouth. "You have to help Y/N!"

     "Buddy, calm down. What's happening?" Jungkook asks, running his hands through Yerum's hair to try and get him to calm down.

     Hoseok passes a box of tissues to the boy as he hiccups. "Y/N's brother is being mean to her! He's saying naughty words and making Y/N sad!"

     "Well, Yerum, we can't really help that much, but how about we get you all cleaned up and we'll get her some ice cream to cheer her up?" Hoseok proposes.

     "No!" Yerum pushes Jungkook away, almost causing a scene.

     "Yerum, are you acting like a big boy right now?" Jungkook asks, but Yerum knows.

     In order to be a big boy, he has to care for others.

     "If you won't help I'll get Daddy to!"

     "Fine, Yerum, but only this once." Jungkook says, letting Yerum drag him up the stairs, Hoseok following.

     Back in the room, you start to feel yourself tear up.

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