Friends or Enimies

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Mia's POV
I went home. I started to look around my basement and notice that I was all alone. I know right. New girl in school, being alone, shocker. But I was really alone. No mom, no dad. No one.

______next morning___________

Emma's POV
I went to Andis house where there was supposed to be no one home (but of course Andi). I saw her asleep, but she wasn't alone. I walk in the house and there Jax was. Laying with his arm around her asleep as we'll. He looked so sweet and innocent. Wait... do I have feelings for Jax? No I can't that's Andi's guy. I quickly ran out of there closing the door quietly behind me.

I ran all the way to Daniels house. Mrs.Miller let me in and there was Danny. "Hey Em. I dint know you where coming over." He said. I smiled then walked up to him and started to kiss him. This feels right. See I was over reacting about the whole Jax thing. Hopefully. I pulled away and smiled.

"What was that for?" He asked. "I can't show my boyfriend how much I like him anymore." I answered. He got up and slipped in a movie in the DVD player. We sat there in the dark watching the movie.

Andi's POV
I woke up and looked behind me. There he was. Sleeping. He was so cute. I look down and his arm was wrapped around my waist on top of the blanket that was on top if us. I felt protected with him here. I laid there watching him. I couldn't resist anymore. I leaned up and pecked his lips. I pull away and he smiles. He flutters his eyes open then pulls me into a passion it kiss.

He rolls me on top of him. We kissed some more. I finally rolled under him so he could hover over me. He pulled away and said, "I wish I could wake up to that every morning." I smiled. I leaned forward just a few inches from his face. I'm pretty sure he thought I was gonna kiss him again. "Get of so I can brush my teeth." I whisper. He smiles then gets off.

While I was brushing my teeth I smelt something good. I walked out of the bathroom, the smell got stronger. "Hey babe. I hope you like scrambled eggs." Jax said. "Love it." I responded. After the food was done he went and brushed his teeth and came back to join me.

"Hey, you should go visit Mia." Jax offered. My mouth dropped. "Are you kidding me. After she tried to take you from me!" I shouted. "Andi she seems lonely." he replied. "I'll think about it." I said and continued eating.

Emma's POV
After I left Daniels I went to Andi's house I had to tell her something. I rang the door bell. She answered and invited me in. "Hey Jax." I greeted. he smiled and nodded. "Hey I was thinking, maybe we shouldn't ask the council to make you a guardian." I nervously say. "Em, what do you mean? Your my best friend your supposed to have my back." I said angrily.

"Look the council might come around on its own." I reply. "No if you were my friend you would know how important this is to me." She argued. "And if you were my friend you would know that the council will never except humans for guardians!" I snapped.

"Then I guess we aren't friends." She mumble. I looked shocked. My heart was shattered. I stormed out of the house and went home.

Andi's POV
When Emma slammed my front door shut I leaned up against the wall and crossed my arms. I slowly slid to the floor wrapping my arms around my knees and burring my head in my lap. "Andi, it's gonna be ok. I promise." Jax said comforting me. I lifted my head and buried it in his neck. I started to cry.

Mia's POV
I woke up and made myself food. Everything I felt yesterday flooded back into my head. The feeling of being alone. And all the girls reject me at school. I'm all alone. Why does the world hate me?

Andi's POV
I had nothing to do and Jax had to go home so I took his advice and went to Mia's. I knocked on the door until she opened it. "What are you doing here?" She questioned raising one eyebrow. "Look Mia I can just really use a friend right now. And I know you do to." I answered with my eyes tearing up. But i blinked them away. She let me in and we went to her basement.

We say down and started to talk. Mia was surprisingly... cool. "So I have a question." I said. "Why did you want me to stay away from Jax?"

An Untold Story         (Every witch way)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang