The New Girl

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Emma's POV
"Her name is Mia." My dad said. I remember her she was at the beachside seven. She was the girl that disappeared when everyone else was frozen. We'll everyone who has powers. Does that mean that she has powers too?

Mia's POV
I see that there was an open seat next to a cute guy so I decided to take it. "Hey I'm Mia." I greeted. "Hey I'm Jax." He commented. We talked in class the whole time. He was really cute and funny. I so had things for bad boys.

Andi's POV
I was mad that the new girl was flirting with my boyfriend. But it's not like I can just jump up and say "hey stop flirting with my boyfriend!". There was something fishy about her. After class the evil person herself came up to me.

"Hey. Your Andi right." She asked. "Yeah the one and only. Can I help you?" I questioned. "You and Jax aren't together are you? Because I heard you guys had a little thing." She commented. "No. We aren't." I lied.

"Good. Because he is really cute. Don't you think?" She said with a smirk. "What's your problem." I snapped. "Your my problem. I know you guys are a thing. I can tell by the way you look at each other. Just stay away from Jax." She snapped back. "Why? You don't scare me. What are you gonna do to me if I don't?" I asked.

She smashed her fist into her palm and a little bit of red smoke came out. My mouth dropped a little. "You don't want to see." She warned then walked away. I was shocked. Mia has powers!

Mia's POV
I know Andi was shocked. She probably thinks I'm some witch. I'm really a kanay. I'm the last kanay. But I really liked Jax. And I was gonna do everything in my power to keep them apart. I wonder what he sees in Andi anyway. She is a wanna be tomboy. What can she do that scares me.

Andi's PIV
I now know that Mia has powers. I don't have powers. I'm just a guarding in training. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the council finally let me start my guarding training. Anyways I can't do anything magical to Mia. But I can get revenge. Sweet, hard core revenge. And there is only one group in town known for their pranks. The T3.

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