JATP Page/Episode 16 : Ray's POV

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When I ask the boys where Julie is all they do is look to each other with worried expressions. I raise my voice. "Where is Julie?" They all jump. I guess my voice is scary. Luke finally stands up. Or is that Alex? Or Reggie? Oh I don't know. "Um Mr. Melina, we think that Julie has been taken. By your brother." He says. I shake my head. "No that is impossible. He would never do that. I think..." The other guys stand up. "It is." Alex says to me. I cross my arms. "Sir..." I smirk and unfold my arms. "Ok, ok I believe you guys, but... where can we find her? I mean, this is my daughter we're talking about!" They nod and lead me towards the studio. Rose's studio. I snap out of my trance and catch up with them. As I set foot into the studio the boys walk to a mirror that apperantly Flynn/Julie fell out of. I tell them I don't believe them but to be honest, I kinda do. "Ok sooooo, what now?" I say. They all look to each other and shrug. Then one of them steps up. The guitarist. Don't know his name. "First things first, we need to find out where Caleb is hiding her. And then we pick up the pieces from there." He says that with such confidence. I step up. "I'm guessing your the one who Julie has a little relationship with. Am I right?" His face turns to stone and he doesn't blink for like 5 minutes. He then looks down most likely to hide his blushing face. "Yeah I guess you could call it that..." I laugh a bit. "So I'm guessing you care about her?" I say. He nods his head. I rest my hand on his shoulder. "Well then let's go get her back." He manages a smile.


I laugh as I walk back from torturing my new prisoner, Fauna. Or is it Flora?

~It is Flynn, Caleb~

I walk to Julie's side of the place but I only see the chair. No ropes. No... Julie.
I hear a gasp from around the corner.
"Julie come over here and I won't hurt you. But if I have to look for you, I will gladly do so."


I run from door to door trying to find a way out.
There has to be at least one unlocked door.
As I am at the door in the west wing I feel it open.
And... I see light!
I'm back in the club!
I shut the door behind me and run for my life.


As we drive to Caleb's club, I hear Luke gasp. "What is it?" I ask him. "I JUST SAW JULIE! YOU HAVE TO TURN AROUND! SHE JUST PASSED OUR CAR!" He says extremely loud. "Are you sure?" Alex asks him. "Yes, 100%, NOW TURN AROUND!" Luke screams (again). I nod my head.

~Damn Luke that is no way to speak to your future father-in-law~
*wink wink*

I turn around and stop as Luke had practically ordered for me to do. He jumps out of the car and sprints for Julie.


As I run to Julie, she starts to slow down.
She slowly turns around and as soon as she meets my gaze, she runs towards me.
She jumps into my arms and I hold her as tight as I could.
I can feel her shaking so I whisper into her ear.
"Hey, hey, hey, you're safe now. I promise."
She nods her head and kisses my cheek.
I let her go and as if with reflex, she grabs my face and kisses me.
I hear foot steps behind me, but we don't stop.
I REALLY missed her!
Alex clears his throat. "Um we want to say hi too, Luke."
She releases and goes to give Alex, then Reggie and lastly her dad a big hug.
"I missed you guys so much."
We all managed a smile, but Reggie's disappeared quickly.
"Where is Flynn?"


This was cRaZyyyyyyyy
I am so freaking sorry about how long it took for this chapter to come out
Idk if it was short but it took me 1st and 2nd period to finish this
Please comment and vote on this chapterrr
As u can see at the top of this chap, 'Stand Tall' the last song of jatp is there
Regarding that, I will either start puting funny jatp vids orrrr my own music

Comment what U want:

jatp crack or my music

(or just jatp pics)

Say what u want!
I will be doing a majority rules so make sure to comment quickly!
It will endddddd


love ya'll

Lily <3

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