JATP Page/Episode 2 : Luke's POV

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When me and Julie left the garage, everyone was looking at us. Reggie's face was saying "So did you kiss her yet?" And Alex's face was saying "You guys are too cute, so, spill." Me and Julie just stood there and I noticed that she was reading Flynn's mind too. She is so beautiful but I still don't know if she feels the same. She didn't even give me a kiss on the cheek. Is there a stage below friend zoned? "Anyway who is hungry?" Julie says to break the silence. I immediately raise my hand and she smiles. Flynn and Reggie giggle and then they stop when they make eye contact. Alex shakes his head and 5 minutes later the drums and cymbals are clashing. Again. I follow Julie into the kitchen and sit on the counter. Reggie goes to Alex but brings noice canceling headphones and Flynn winks at Julie and goes home. "Sooo, we are alone." I say. Julie looks at me with a smile. She reaches for a few plates and turns around to walk to the fridge. But then she stops. "Are you good, Julie?" She turns around and kisses me. Julie Molina just kissed me! It was short but I was still stunned. She saw the look on my face and chuckled. She put the sandwiches on the plates and called Alex and Reggie. I think I was still stunned because Reggie had to smack me in the face to make me be aware of my surroundings again. "Oooohh!" Alex said. "Shut up." I said as red as a freaking tomato. Julie messed up my hair and handed me a plate with a sandwich. She sat down next to  me and started to eat her sandwich. Alex and Reggie looked at us and we just ignored them. As soon as Julie left to go finish homework, I told them about the kiss. "She kissed you?!?!" I told him "Shh, not so loud." Alex was so hype and happy. "I knew you guys were gonna kiss soon." I shook my head and laughed. "I ship it." Reggie said with his hands up. "Juke sounds pretty dope." He is such a dork. And the funniest part is everyone knows it. As we do everyday, we went to the beach to look for Willie. We haven't seen him and in all honesty I don't think we will find him. But I can't tell Alex that. And I am pretty sure Reggie thinks the same. All of the sudden I actually hear a skate board. "Alex I hear a skateboard coming from the pier!" I say. "Dude this isn't a joke right?" Ugh why do I always feel like the boy who cried wolf. That is what it is called right? "I am not lying! Come on!" We run towards the pier almost running over people. We all stop. Me and Reggie step back. Alex finally spots Willie. Skate board in hand. Alex starts to walk towards Willie. Out of nowhere, Caleb poofs right next to Willie.


I am so sorry about the wait for another chapter. I am also sorry about the cliffhanger. I just thought it really fit the story. The next chapter will be in Reggie's POV. Like I mentioned in the first chapter, to access the song at the top, click on the rectangle above the title. Please vote 1-10 on "Wake up" by Madison Reyes.

Lily <3

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