JATP Page/Episode 15 : Luke's POV

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Hey guys so quick a/n I am so sry about how long it took this chapter to come out. I have really bad writers block so I am trying the best I can!
Enjoy this chapter!
P.S: there may be some cussing but just a lil' bit.
We all store at Flynn for a second until we soak it all in. "OH MY GOD IS SHE DEAD?!?!" Reggie screams. He poofs out almost automatically with Alex following either to comfort him or to not be part of this situation. Too much pressure.
Probably the second one.
I kneel down to Flynn and start to give her CPR. As I am pounding her abdomen I notice that it isn't doing a thing. I decide to give her mOuTh To MoUtH...
"Oh, shit. Julie please don't come out of the mirror now."
As I start I feel her starting to inhale and exhale. Before I know it she pops up and hits my nose with her forehead. "Ow..." we say at the same time. "Is Flynn here?" She asks me. "No. Wait. Wha-" She cuts me off with a kiss. My eyes are open wide in the beginning but eventually they close. We kiss for what seems like a long time until I hear a gasp in the corner followed by a slap to the flesh. I breakaway but she grabs my chin. And when we turn... we see none other then Reginald and Alexander.
I walk up to them only to get a slap in the face by Reggie and a knee in the bottom area by Alex.
I am in SOOOOO much pain right now.
Flynn finally stands up to explain when Reggie poofs out.
"Shame on you, Luke. Shame on both of you!" He yells then leaves.
I catch Flynn's gaze then quickly look away. She groans and walks closer to me.
Then she starts to sing.

Here, in front of me
We're shining so much brighter
Then I have ever seen
Life can be so mean
But when he goes,
I know he doesn't leave

That is Julie's voice.
I turn to her with a confused expression.
"Luke... it's me. I know, I know I'm in Flynn's body but she is only my messenger. Please stop looking for me. I don't want you to get hurt."
I get a better look at her to see if I am dreaming. "Wait. But you're Flynn! I saw Julie-you kiss Nick an-and I saw you-Flynn fall out of a mirror. I AM SO CONFUSED." She laughs. "Oh, Luke. You always are. Flynn is still in the damn mirror and I... I'm still trapped. It was the only way I could keep you from Caleb's grasp. For once let me help you. Not you helping me again." She says with a serious expression. I look down at my feet. "Julie... I am not gonna stop looking for you. Can't you just tell me where the hell you are?" Then she looks down. "I'm sorry. I can't." I groan. "Why not?!?!" She loses it. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO LOSE YOU!" Once she notices what she said her face turns tomato red. I smirk and whisper into her ear. "I love you, too." I feel a smile grow onto her face. She poofs out and I run out of the garage to find the rest of the guys. As soon as I find them I tell them EVERYTHING. Now both of their jaws are on the floor. "Wait why are you telling us we need to save her if you literatly just said she didn't want us to save her? That is directly disobeying her." Alex, the dad of the group blurts out. I roll my eyes. Smartass. "Because she said she loved me." I say with a smirk. They both let out their ooh's and ah's until I stop them.
Then Ray walks out of the house.
"Hey boys have you seen Julie?"


Sorry for the wait guys.
I thought it was a good way to end the chapter.
Anyway here is today's question:

What is your favorite ship from jatp?

Mine is prolly Willex.
Juke is super complicated.

I'm watching Hamilton rn lmao
anyone else?
ImAnAddictForBooks wbu?
guns and ships and so the balance shifts-

sry i got side tracked

thx for reading this chapter
my lilies


(that is portuguguese for bye)
(yes, i am portuguese)

right tinymermaidtail ?
stephferr897 ?


love u guys,
lily <3

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