Ch 3 - Tree House

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I responded to Ryder's text: "omw." I threw on a hoodie over my tank top, slipped on some shoes, and yelled to my parents on the way out, "Gotta go see Ryder real quick. I won't be long." I knew they wouldn't care that I was out that late as long as I was going to be with Ryder.

I barely heard Dad yell back, "Be careful, Katey Bug!"

I went through the gate at Ryder's house, and walked into his back yard, straight to our tree house. Ashton and Mia had it built when we were little. It was fairly elaborate, with 2 rooms and even a tiny porch. We had obviously outgrown it. But we refused to let them take it down. We had too many memories attached to that tree house. And we still used it at times such as the one at hand, when we just needed to get away and talk things through.

Ryder was already there when I climbed up the ladder, biting his nails again. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, greeting him with a hug.

Ryder took a deep breath and wasted no time beginning his confession.

"You were right. There's something that's been bothering me today. It's really kind of awkward. And I know you're not going to like what I have to say, but I want to tell you before you hear it from someone else."

"Okayyyy." I was beginning to get nervous. I knew it had to be something significant for him ask me to meet him.

We were both sitting with our legs crossed in front of us, facing each other. Ryder was fiddling with his shoestring, obviously uncomfortable with whatever it was he had to say.

"Kate, I feel so stupid." He moaned and continued, still looking at his shoestring, "There was this girl at the party last night, I guess a friend of Jaxson's brother. She looked a little older than us. Anyway, you know how drunk I was, but I remember everything, for the most part. I don't know exactly how it started, but, well, we... shit. I had sex with her, Katey." He lowered his head to his hands, covering his face.

"The fuck, Ryder?! Are you serious? You mean to tell me you gave your v-card to some random chick? Why?" I certainly wasn't expecting that confession.

"I know, okay?! I know I'm an idiot. You don't have to rub it in," he said, finally looking at me. "My only excuse is that I was just being a seventeen year old boy. If a hot chick is throwing it in my face, and I'm wasted, I'm not going to turn it down. I don't know. I'm not exactly proud of it or anything."

"I thought your first time would be with someone you at least knew. What was the point in holding out this long? I thought you wanted it to be something special. Did she even ask how old you were? And tell me you used protection."

"Oh my God, yes," he rolled his eyes. "She actually asked my age, and I told her, but she obviously didn't care. I didn't ask her how old she was, though. I didn't exactly care at the time. And she had condoms."

"Gross, Ryder. She obviously went to the party with the intention of getting laid. That's disgusting." I couldn't hide my disappointment. I had a strange feeling in my stomach, but wasn't sure why. I was trying really hard to not be judgmental, but it wasn't working. "Do you even know her name?"

The look on his face gave away the answer. I shook my head and said, "You can do better than that, Ry."

He answered, "Hello! Not really. I waited this long because no one else pays attention to me like that. Everyone thinks you and I - " he stopped mid-sentence. But I knew what he was going to say. We had had that conversation before.

"It's actually the other way around, Ryder. You have girls practically falling on their faces trying to hook up with you. But you don't pay attention to them. However, I definitely know what you're saying. I don't know why people still think we're a couple. If you and I were into each other like that, wouldn't we have gotten together by now? Why doesn't anyone believe that members of the opposite sex can indeed be just friends?" I asked, more to myself than Ryder.

Some Kind of Wonderful (sequel to Give Me the Greenlight, Mr. Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now