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If someone would have told me the route our lives were going to take, I would have had a hard time believing them.

Kenzie was understandably bitter towards me for a while. But once she and Mason hooked up, it was as though she had never wanted Ryder. They were actually perfect for each other. Mason apologized to me, and I forgave him. We all remained friendly in the end, but it was never the same relationships we had once had.

Ryder's plans for Relativity to share their music with the world changed when Jaxson dropped out of the band right after graduation. Jaxson had been showing less interest in it, so it wasn't really that much of a surprise. Rather than find a replacement, Ryder and Mason decided to call it quits. But Ryder never gave up on his dream.

That deal Dad and the other guys were working on proved to be successful. It was amazing how they got right back into the groove of things, as though over a decade hadn't passed. Their old fans proved to be loyal. They also earned an unbelievable following of new fans. With the two forces combined, 5SOS sold out a worldwide reunion tour. They produced a new album after the tour, which went straight to number one in multiple countries when released. That led to yet another wildly successful tour.

Just as exciting, Ryder got the opportunity of a lifetime when he opened for 5SOS on the reunion tour as a solo act. He became very popular, winning the hearts of fangirls all over the world. It was amusing to watch them literally throw themselves at him. At first I was a little jealous, but I finally realized I had nothing to worry about because his heart was in my hands.

I did eventually become an OB nurse, and loved every minute of it. It was so tough concentrating on my studies while Ryder was traveling the world without me. But I hung in there and it paid off in the end.

As for Calum, he asked Angel to move to Australia, which she did. It was obvious why Calum fell for her. She was one of the friendliest, most laid back people I'd ever met. They were perfect for each other. It was no time before they had a baby, a girl they named Lily. Oh, and he finally did quit smoking.

Ryder kept his promise to marry me. He proposed to me on the eve of his twentieth birthday. He wanted to have a Birthday Eve dinner with his parents at their house, Calum and Angel included. It was becoming more and more rare to have these quieter moments with our families because of the demand of everyone's schedules. But we made it work.

After the dinner, we were playing outside with Kennedi and Parker. They were at that age where they got into everything, but they were so much fun. After they were worn out, we got them cleaned up and tucked them into their beds. Then, Ryder said he wanted to go to the tree house. We hadn't been in the tree house for ages. I instantly knew something was up, but thought he just wanted to talk about something privately, away from everyone else.

"Do you think we'll ever get too old for this treehouse?" he asked, once we were settled inside.

"Never. We'll be old, gray, and feeble sitting up here. Well, as long as we can climb up the ladder."

Ryder laughed at me. "You'll be the best looking gray and feeble granny ever."

"Thanks. I think," I said, replying to his strange compliment.

Ryder took my hand, twisting the promise ring around for a few seconds, staring at it, not saying anything. His hesitancy worried me. I had a bad feeling that he was getting ready to tell me an awful secret or confession. And when he took the ring off my finger, I really started to freak out. I thought he was breaking up with me, which was a complete shock. I didn't say anything, still waiting for him to tell me what was going on. But then he put the ring in his jacket pocket. I'm glad I wasn't able to form words at that moment. Because if I had, I would have felt beyond stupid asking why he was breaking up with me, only to realize that he was holding another ring when he withdrew his hand from the pocket. The only sound that would come out of my mouth was a gasp.

He finally broke the silence, holding the ring up so I could see it better. "So, I know we're still young and all. But I know what I want. And I was thinking this would be a good time to officially ask you to marry me. I mean, it's my Birthday Eve and all, so you can't tell me no."

At first I only nodded, but I was eventually able to say, "Ryder! Yes, I'll marry you!"

He placed the ring on my finger. I was in awe at how stunning it was. We may or may not have had a quick make out session before leaving the tree house.

Calum, Angel, Ashton, and Mia were aware that Ryder was asking me to marry him, so we walked into the house to a round of applause, before either of us even confirmed the engagement. I guess they knew there was nothing in the world that could keep me from saying 'yes.'

Ashton gave me a hug and told me, "I was going to say, 'welcome to the family,' but, uh... well, you know." And of course he giggled at himself.

"I know. Our family dynamics are a little messed up. But I wouldn't have it any other way." That was the absolute truth.


A/N: That's all folks.

I know it wasn't your typical 5SOS fanfic, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. If you did, let me know! I love to hear your feedback. 

Thanks again for your time, comments, votes, and shares. xo

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