-Episode 6-

352 9 0

December 4, 20**

Once he opened the door i saw 6 guys sitting on the couch talking amongst themselves. I recognized one of them. It was Jin he had soft facial features and broad shoulders.


I waved to everyone while holding on to Jimins arm. Everyone looked up with wide eyes as I stood there awkwardly tightening my grip on Jimins arm. He noticed my nervous aura but started leading me to the couch anyways. We got to the couch and jimin pulled me down softly so I could sit beside him. The others looked rather confused by what was happening, except for Jin because he recognized me from my phone contact.

They all looked at Jimin confused to why he brought a random girl to the dorm. I was still very uncomfortable by the awkward silence that filled the room. Then one of the boys spoke.


I watched as he talked and noticed his cute bunny smile that made me smile as well. Then he spoke again introducing himself.

I'm Jungkook but you can call me Kook or Kookie if you want.

Then the rest gained confidence to talk.

Hi I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae.

Hey I'm namjoon

Hello I'm Yoongi...

The one named Yoongi didn't look very pleased to meet me like the others but I can understand why. I'm a random girl that just showed up at their dorm with one of their members.

Hi! I'm your hope! Your my hope! I'm J-hope, but you can call me Hobi.

H-Hey Y/N.

Jin shyly smiled then waved.

hey Jinnie

He looked away with a slight blush at the nickname.

Sooo... this is Y/N, we started talking about a month or so ago when I texted the wrong number. Her and I are best friends, so please don't be mean to her.

He looked at me and it seemed like his eyes sparkled in admiration.

So are you going to stay the night?

Jin asked tilting his head.

Only if she wants to.

Umm.... Yeah sure I don't have any classes tomorrow. But where am I going to sleep?

You can sleep in my room if you want?

Yeah why not Ive known you the longest and I trust you.

Jimin then put his arm around my shoulder and smiled. I was a bit startled by his actions at first but after that I felt comfortable and wasn't nervous anymore.  Jimin started talking again which broke me out of my thoughts.

Do you by chance have any extra clothes Y/N?

I shook my head no then looked back at him.

Then you can just borrow some of my clothes, does that sound good?

Yeah it does thank you.

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