-Episode 16-

133 3 1

February 7, 20**

-1:00 pm-

(Jimin's POV)

We arived at Myeong-dong looking at all the colorful signs and shopping centers. Y/N held tightly to my hand while we walked through giant crowds. I kept looking around to make sure no one recognized me or Y/N. I felt a sudden jerk at my arm, I looked over realizing Y/N isn't beside me anymore. There was a sudden scream that came from the giant crowd.


I started running into the crowd, I heard clicks from cameras and there were flashes coming from alleyways, but I didn't care about the cameras all I cared about was finding Y/N and going back to the dorms. I could feel the mask that hid my identity start to slip off of my nose and fall to my chin and the beanie I had on was starting to fall off as well. Many hands started to grab at me and there we're excited screams that filled my ears, the clicking of cameras was more noticeable now.

I started running away still worried about Y/N, small anxious tears started to fall from my eyes as I ran and hid in an alleyway before anyone could follow. I felt my phone vibrate making loud ringing noises. I answered the call hearing Y/N's shaky voice on the other line.

J-Jimin.. Where a-are you I heard s-screaming and the sounds of cameras t-taking pictures, I'm worried are you o-okay?

Yeah I'm fine, my mask slipped off and people saw me. Where are you? Are you okay? I was scared something happened to you.

I'm okay. I hid in an alley after I got swept away, I got caught in the screaming crowd after I heard you yell for me. I hid my face as well so no one knows what I look like from what I know of.

Her voice had seemed to calm down once she heard me talk. I smiled knowing she's okay.

okay where are you now I'm coming to get you.

No need, tell me where you are and I'll come get you, we can go back to the dorms once I pick you up.

okay just be careful, I'm in the alleyway at *****, just promise me something.

and what is that?

Don't get caught, they already saw me in Myeong-dong and took pictures. I don't want you to get caught and get hate because of me not paying attention.

Okay I will, and I'll be there in a few.

okay I love you.

I love you too.

I clicked the end call button, closing my eyes in hope she'll get here quickly. After around maybe 10 minutes I saw my car park in front of the alleyway I was hiding in. Y/N jumped out of the drivers seat running to me and engulfing her arms around my torso.

Were you really that worried about me?

I giggled, then feeling a liquid start to soak my shirt

N-no baby please don't cry. I'm okay see?

I pointed at myself then wiped the tears off of her cheeks.

But what will happen now, we don't know if they got a picture of us together and if so you'll get in trouble anyway for being out in public without telling the company.

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