"Hi, baby girl." Massimo says to me. He goes to hug me from behind and I grab his wrist and flip him on the bad, flip over on his stomach with his arm behind his back.

"BABY, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" He screams at me. Ohhh......no sir you will not be screaming at me. I tighten his arm and he whines. Hehehe. Why am I enjoying this? You bet I am.

"Scream at me one more time, the only thing you will be holding tonight is yourself." I say to him.

"Christina, what are you doing?" he asks me. Like you don't know.

"Nothing, love. Just having a little fun." Hahaha. I say to him. I am having way too much fun with this.? Yes!! Should I stop? Mmm.... Nope!  Well, maybe a bit longer. I go to sit on his butt. This man decides to groan.  EW!!

"I am still hurt by what you did. Well, I ever get over it? Yes, but not now. If I'm being honest with you. After seeing you and us talking it brought back the feelings I felt when you left me. And I am not going to go through that again." I say to him. I let go of his wrist and hit him in the back. Somehow, he flips over, and he pins me to the bed. He is hovered over me. Both of my wrist is next to my head. Ok then. Wow this man is quick.

"If I have to make it up to you for the rest of my life I will. How many times do I have to apologies to you, for it to be enough? Huh? I told you that I am in love you and yet it is still not enough. You do this shit to me. What YOU WANT ME TO DO?" He screams the last part to me. What I want him to do?

"Why did you leave?" I ask. My voice is much softer now. He sighs

"I left because, I got a phone call from my uncle. My dad got shot. By the time I got there he died. It broke me because I never got to tell my dad goodbye. That's why I never came back. Because I was too ashamed." He tells me with a pout and tears in his eyes. I can't be leave this. He's dad died and he was grieving the whole time.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know." I say with a stutter. But now I understand why he left. He could talk if he tired. See, Michele and his dad were very close just like me and my dad. So, I should be more understanding. Now I just want to hug him and love him. Show him that I love him, and I understand.

"I forgive you. Do this shit again, I will chop off your thing and feed it to Zeus. Do you understand?" I speak.

"Yes ma'am." he says.

"Good boy." I pat his head and kiss him. Yummy. I feel his hands go under my shirt and up my back and I pull him closer to me. He takes one hand out and puts it on my cheek and deepens the kiss.

The rest of the week goes by quick. With that being said, me and Michele get to know each other better. I'm still his girlfriend and we are going to take things one step at a time. Slow. I got to know Daniel, Scarlett and Tara more. Devin was with us, but only said a few words. He was mainly by Tara the whole time. Following her like a lost puppy. Always holding her. When we were talking, he nuzzled his head in her neck. At one point he fell asleep. I heard her giggle and she blushed.

It's funny how men are because, I remember one day when I was there, me and Tara were laying down on the cough watching TV together and talking and Devin and Massimo walked in the living-room. Massimo came and laid down on me. With his head on my chest. (He was between my legs.) Devin did the same to Tara. We looked at each other and laughed. All four of us fell asleep like that on the sofa.

The last week:

It's the last week, that I am here at Michele's house. I walk down the stair and I see Devin at the kitchen counter eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Devin." I say to him. I am not expecting him to say anything to me.

"Morning." He says happy. Ok, I was not expecting that.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks.

"Yes." I speak.

"What are you doing? You are not going to take my mom's spot. I don't care how hard you try." he tells me. I can sense a hint of venom in his voice.

"Devin, I'm going to tell you what I told Scarlett. I am not going to take her spot. I love your dad. With my whole heart. I already love your sister. And I love Tara. Both are the sweetest people." I speak. I see a smile on his face when I say that about them.

"Yeah, they are. I do want my dad to get hurt. I'm trusting you enough to not hurt him." He says to me. I go up to him and hug him tight. He cries on my shoulder.

"I miss her so much." He says to me. It is so hard for a child to watch his parent die in front of you.

"Shh...it's ok Devin. I know you do." He looks at me with a confused look. I tell him what happened to my dad. Also, what happen to Lucas. He looks at me and I know that his understands.

"I'm so sorry, Christina." He tells me. It's sweet of him to say that, knowing we don't know each other much.

"Thank you. Devin, I really like to get to know you better. I promise you that I am Not going to take your mom's place. If you want to talk or need help with anything, I'm here." I say to him.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. I know you and my dad are dating, but I can't call you mom right now. So, if you're ok with this, can I call you Miss C" He ask me. I giggle a little bit.

"Yes, I'm fine with that." I tell him. We hug one more time. 

We both hear someone walk down the stairs and it's Tara. He looks at me and I nod to him. Like it's ok. We both smile at each other and wave. I see go by Tara and kiss her. I blush. He is so gentle and sweet with her. They sit on the sofa and watch TV. It's the little things that matter to him. I know him and Massimo are not blood, but they do have things in common. I spend my last night with just me and Massimo in his curled up together in his bed watching a movie. See the little moments are special. 

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