Chapter 6

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Keiko was a hiatus until her condition improved, along with Bakugou who refused to keep working while his partner was at home sick. Their agency was pretty understanding and immediately issued a public notice regarding Bakugou. Keiko required a smaller and much discreet announcement since she was an underground hero like her teacher Aizawa Shouta or Eraserhead. But it didn't matter, she was the top one among them anyways. He had contacted her too, even made a courtesy visit with Hizashi Yamada, pro hero Present Mic. Aizawa told her that she should call her anytime. He still taught at UA but some newer teacher had taken over the responsibilities of the homeroom. All Might was in America training Midoriya so he replaced his position at UA. For now, the 'Bakusquad' were calling up their classmates regarding the situation.

"I'll be back in 30 minutes, 40 tops. Text me if you want anything more from the supermarket. And dunce face, you better not mess up anything while I'm gone like last time!"

"Don't worry about a thing!"

"We'll be fine Bakugou. I'll call you if something happens."

Bakugou nodded. He hesitated before giving Keiko a quick peck before leaving the house hastily. She just chuckled along with Kaminari.

"Man he's become a total softie when it comes to you hasn't he! How in the world did you catch his attention??"

"I caught his attention by possessing him with my quirk on field actually.. We were fighting a villain and Bakugou was about to be captured after being affected by a sleep inducing drug so I made the decision to use my quirk on him and get him out of there.", she smiled sheepishly at the memories from years ago.

"Well, that kind of makes sense. I always had a feeling he would go for a strong woman and turns out I was right!"

"Thanks Denki haha! We're both pretty adamant and headstrong but we accept each other for who we are."

'You don't have to pretend to be strong all the time dammit!!!'

"He means a lot to you huh..."

"I know it sounds cheesy but, he means everything to me. I can't afford to lose him, ever. He's the reason I'm so social."

"Wait, there was a time when you weren't like this??"

"Haha yeah. I trained under Aizawa sensei so I was always on the quiet side. I never even tried to make friends until I was on field and had to talk to other heroes. Bakugou was the first one to approach me, with criticism of course!"

"Of course!", he laughed, "But I didn't know Aizawa sensei trained you."

"Well, technically, I was rescued from birth parents after the authorities finally got to know about what went on in the house. Aizawa sensei volunteered to take me in and train me further. I stayed at his place for a while before we had to shift to the UA campus. Because I didn't get into the school, he had to train me separately. Hitoshi joined me sometimes too, I helped him strengthen his mind control. Bakugou doesn't like it but I'm pretty close with him, he's kinda like a brother to me."

"Ahhh, no wonder you guys hang out so much. Did he visit you yet?"

"No but he did video call me. He's on a stealth mission somewhere in Germany I think."

"Woah, that's cool!"

"Yup! Hmmm, I do miss him a lot... He always knew how to comfort me. He even used his hero mask to sing me lullabies when I couldn't sleep!"

"Wow. How do you make everyone around you turn soft with you?! Like is it a personal charm or a girl thing??"

"I wish I knew Denki!"

She suddenly stopped smiling as she felt a pang of pain in her chest. She clutched Kaminari's hand roughly and pointed in the general direction of the bathroom. He picked her up in a panic and took her to the bathroom. As soon as he put her down she bent over the toilet and coughed. Kaminari rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort. He almost gagged at the sight of the bloody black petals. The helplessness set in and scared the Kaminari Denki who wasn't scared of any villain. She wheezed as the petals stopped pushing out of her lungs, only the blood sputtering out as she coughed to clear her throat as much as she could. He flushed the toilet, not being able to take the sight of something like that coming out of his best friend's body.

"A-a-are y-yo-u ok-k-kay?", he stuttered on the verge of tears. She nodded. He looked around and handed her the tissue box. He started wiping her mouth and wherever else the blood was present. Keiko felt horrible making Kaminari go through this. She was always strong in front of her friends so being vulnerable like this was scary for her.

'Where are you Bakugou...'

Just then a click was heard. Bakugou was home as if on cue.

"Oi dunce face! Where the hell are you both? You better not be messing around in the kitchen!"

"We're in t-the bathroom. Please come here quick.", loudly said, not quiet yelling but louder than normal talking.

"Keiko!", Bakugou rushed to the bathroom, dropping everything he had in his hands.

"Ba, k-ku, gou...", she smiled a tired smile at her fiancé. He hugged her, not caring about Kaminari being present there.

"Denki, can you remove a t-shirt and shorts from my cupboard? Something that smells like me. I'll get her showered in a couple of minutes."


He exited the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Bakugou went ahead to undress her and turned on the tap for their rarely used bathtub.

"Just five minutes okay? Do you want any particular bodywash? Maybe a bathbomb?"

"Red one, it's pretty... Reminds me of your eyes haha...", she let out a chuckle. He caressed her face and pecked her lips with small kiss.

"God I love you so much.", he pulled her close. He had become extremely emotional after getting to know Keiko had hanahaki. He did everything he usually didn't because of embarrassment. At that point, he could less about how people would see him. He stripped down to his boxers and washed Keiko gently.

"What's this?", his hands felt bumps in Keiko's arms.

"Here too..", he ran his hands over her legs and back.

"My dragon scales..??"

They both looked at each other in visible panic.

"We're hospitalizing you, now."

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