He turned to look at his son who's standing beside him completely dumbfounded. "Erwin, take him to your room. And Levi." His head drew back to the younger. "Make yourself at home."

Levi bowed and thanked Mr. Smith again. He gave him the most respectful smile he could ever show. However, his face dropped once more when he heard a sigh coming from Erwin.

"Yes, father." He spoke. "Levi, follow me."

Mr. Smith made ways for the two friends to go and stared longingly at them. This was the first time Erwin ever brought a friend to stay in and he could say that his son finally found someone who fitted his standard. He shook his head and let out a sigh, a loose smile was playing on his lips.

"Boys." He mumbled.



I followed Erwin from behind, all the reasons not to do this came flooding in. I felt a soft panic growing on what to do next. Was this a mistake? Should I run away when Erwin went to sleep? Should I break his legs? A clicking of a doorknob brought me back and Erwin went in which I assumed was his room.

This is it. There's no turning back now. I'm about to enter Erwin Smith's room.

The moment I stepped in, my eyes went wide in amazement. With a hint of jealousy. It was spacious and high-ceilinged. It was almost like my dream room. The bed was not pushed against the wall but more central with an elaborate mahogany headboard, huge closet built in marble stone. The room was painted white but it was dim, maybe because of the dark-coloured curtains. There were at least three bookshelves that was stacked with uncountable books and magazines, covering the majority of the place. There was also a sofa in front of the large window that led to the balcony. The second floor was built way larger than the ground level.

"Geez. Are you sure this is your room? Cuz this looks like a fucking library." I exclaimed. It was probably beyond unimaginable over how much that shit cost. I bet it's the same price as my whole house.

Erwin didn't reply instead he leaned against the door with his arm crossed, looking at me with tired eyes. "Can you tell me why exactly you're here for?"

"Pfft.. so you don't like me being here? You want to kick me out?" I asked, straight-faced. When he didn't respond, I rolled my eyes. "I told you already. I am sleeping here."

He scoffed. "You didn't even text or call me. At least informed something to me so I can be prepared."

"You know this is all unplanned right? It's not like I want to be here too."


"Fine." I continued. "This is what actually happened 20 minutes ago."


I was peacefully drinking my tea while reading a newspaper when I heard a pounding at my door. It startled me and I almost spitted out the drink. I looked up at the clock to see the time reading 9:12pm. Standing up with a loud screech by the chair, I made my ways to the front door. I was guessing it was some friendly neighbours wanted to give me free food and that got me a little excited. The door didn't have any peephole so I had no choice but to open it manually.

And this is why I have trust issues. I opened the door just to see a disappointment. I was greeted by none other than my uncle. His shirt was threadbare as if he just got hit by a car but there wasn't any splatter of blood. He was drooling and his breath smelt like alcohol. I almost had to close my nose over how putrid the scent was. He looked terribly musty.

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