The first day of school!

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Im so sorry for not updating! I've been super busy with the holidays and I've just been really tired. Again, I'm so sorry!! (The art at the top is not mine)

Third-person pov~

After a while of waiting, more students started to trickle in, y/n decided it was time to put her cat pillow pet away.

As more and more people came in, the seats around her filled, and her attention was captured by a dual haired boy who took the seat beside her. As she glanced over his features, she noticed that his eyes were heterochromatic. One a beautiful turquoise, and the other a harsh gray.

Y/n pov~

As I survey the room, I see a boy with red and white hair. Oooo he's like a peppermint! His eyes are pretty too... I reach into my bag for a cookie, only to see that I had none! I then realized that I had forgotten them on the table...

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Iida yelling at Katsu- wait, when did he get here??? As they are arguing, I can here some very not nice things coming from Katsu.

"You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" What in the heck! Why is he always such a turd bucket to everyone?

Iida then decides to try to reintroduce himself in an effort to get off on the right foot. There's no hope for him, he's probably on Katsu's list of people he hates, rather than people who he could care less about.

While Iida is making his pointless effort to get off on the right foot, he gets distracted by someone at the door.

"It's him." He's says, turning everyone's attention to Izu, who had just entered the room. Yes! We're in the same class!

"Uh, hi!" He says in a nervous and shaking voice, while Iida starts to walk over to him, greeting him in the process.

"I'm Tenya Iida fro-"

"Yeah, I-I know. I'm Izuku Mydoria" I'm so glad he got in!

I kinda tune out of their conversation, I check to make sure that the box in my bag was still there. It's wrapped in blue and gold wrapping paper and a golden bow. Inside the box was a gift I got for Izu for when he got into U.A., and since we've both been busy, I haven't been able to give it to him yet.

I then turn my head back to them to see the nice girl from the entrance exams standing there with a smile as well. Her name was Ochaco Uraraka right? Yeah, that's it.

I then her the voice of a very tired and monotone voice of my father.

"If you're only here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now." I can see the two of them freak out as he continues "Welcome to UA's hero course."

He then stands up and unzips his yellow cocoon and continues to speak.

"It took you eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that." I can tell that everyone else is surprised at his appearance.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher" at this, just about everyone gasps. Dad then pulls out some training uniforms "put these on and head outside."

Time skip brought to you by Bakugo being a BakuHOE-

"Today we will be doing a quirk assessment test." Dad says when we're are all outside.

"What?" Just about everyone yells.

"But what about orientation? We're gonna miss it!" Uraraka yells. Yeah, but orientation is boring! I think to myself as I remember all the past ones I've had to sit through with Aunt Nemmy and Uncle Zashi.

"If you want to make the big leagues, you can waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA we aren't tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit." Everyone seems surprised by this.

"You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country is still trying to pretend that we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the Ministry of Education will learn."

He then turns to Katsu and starts to speak to him.

"Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. Why was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?"

"67 meters, I think" wow! That's really far!

"Right, try doing it with your quirk." Katsu then goes into a circle on the field with a soft ball. "Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on you're wasting our time"

"Alright man, you asked for it." Katsu then stretches a bit and gets ready to throw. He then screams "DIE!!!" As he throws the ball, using his quirk to blast it into the air. That was so awesome!!

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way to figure out how much potential you'll  have as a pro hero." Dad says as he shows us the thingy that had the distance of the throw on it.

"705 meters that's insane!" I whisper to myself as everyone else is either talking or just looking at the device in amazement.

They then start saying how fun it looks and how much they want to do it. Uh oh, dad's about to tel then off.

"So this looks fun, huh? You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all going to be games and play time?" He then gets that creepy smile on his face, the same one he has with all his classes at least once. "Idiots. Today you'll participate in 8 physical events to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in late has none, and will be expelled immediately."


Izuku's pov💚~

I can feel myself freaking out, as I here what our homeroom teacher says. Immediate expulsion? Eight tests? Oh crap. Not good. I can only use One For All at either zero or 100 percent right now. I don't have any control yet!

"Like I said, I get to decide how I run this class. Understand? If that's a problem you can head home right now."

A huge test on the first day of school? What the crap am I going to do?
Authors note~
Hey! I'm sorry for being gone for so long, but here's a chapter! I'll be working on the next one and the special. I know it's January and I said that it would be out in December, but stuff happened and I couldn't update. But anyways, I hope y'all had a good holiday, and that you are doing well!

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